Reports, Skc sample sheet setup window – SKC DatraTrac 2000 for the AirChek 2000_3000 User Manual
Page 37

DataTrac 2000 allows reports or worker exposure profi les to be printed or saved
as text and imported into word processing soft ware or a text editor. These fi les
combine the setup data (information denoting sampling media, methods, location,
etc.) from the Sample Sheet Setup window (Figure 39) and an AirChek 2000/3000
history (see pages 30-34).
File menu
Save as Text ..........................saves report as text that any word processor or text
editor can read
SKC Sample Sheet Setup Window
The Sample Sheet Setup window (Figure 39) saves setup data pertaining to the
sample run. All data displayed on the screen can be printed or saved as a setup fi le
(.stp), or user-selected data can be saved as a template fi le (.tpl).
Sample Setup Menus
File menu
New ...................................clears all data cells in the Sample Sheet Setup window
Load Setup .......................loads a setup fi le (.stp)
Save Setup ........................saves a setup fi le (.stp)
Print Setup ........................prints the current sample sheet data displayed on screen
Load Template .................loads a template fi le (.tpl)
Save Template ..................saves a template fi le (.tpl)
Exit .....................................exits the Sample Sheet Setup window and returns to the
previous window
Option Menu
Merge Pump ....................writes the AirChek 2000/3000 history from the connected
pump memory to the displayed sample sheet setup, and
creates a worker exposure profi le (see page 37)
Merge File .........................writes the AirChek 2000/3000 history from a previously
stored history fi le (.hst) to the displayed sample sheet
setup, and creates a worker exposure profi le
Figure 39. Sample
Sheet Setup Window