Sampling head preparation, Deployment of cartridges for field sampling, Cleaning the sampling head – SKC DCS (Deployable Cartridge Sampler) System User Manual
Page 8: O-ring care for the sampling head
Deployment of Cartridges for Field Sampling
Immediately prior to fi eld deployment, follow the procedure in EPA TO-9A or
TO-13A, Section 10.4.
Cleaning the Sampling Head
All cleaning, loading, and unloading should be conducted in a controlled
environment to minimize any chance of potential contamination. When new
or when using the sampler at a diff erent location, all sample contact areas need
to be cleaned. Rinse with appropriate organic solvent. Allow the solvent to
evaporate before loading a cartridge.
For deployed applications where method-specifi ed solvents are
unavailable, use isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol or a clean tissue wipe.
Do not place any mechanical object in the inlet nozzles.
O-ring Care for the Sampling Head
Visually inspect the condition of the BUNA-N exhaust O-ring (see illustration
on page 3 for location). Ensure the O-ring surface is smooth (i.e., without cracks,
cuts, or other damage). Ensure the O-ring is fi tt ed properly in its channel.
Replace the exhaust O-ring if there is apparent damage, stretching, or thinning.
It is recommended that the PTFE inlet O-ring be replaced by the manufacturer