Rma-303 direct charge - maintenance – Ransburg RMA Direct A12867 User Manual
Page 63

RMA-303 Direct Charge - Maintenance
these solvents should also be non-polar.
Examples of non-flammable, non-polar
solvents for cleaning are: Amyl acetate,
methyl amyl acetate, high flash naphtha,
and mineral spirits.
Do not use conductive solvents such as
MEK to clean the external surfaces of the
RMA-303 without a second cleaning with a
non-polar solvent.
When using a rag to hand wipe the RMA-
303, the turbine air should be off, but leave
both the shaping air and bearing air turned
on. Ensure that rotation has come to a
complete stop.
If the RMA-303 is vibrating or making an unu-
sually loud noise, it usually means there is an
imbalance situation. The atomizer bell cup
may have dried paint on it or the bell may be
physically damaged, or there may be paint
trapped between the bell cup and shaft pre-
venting the bell cup from properly seating. If
any of these conditions exist, they MUST be
corrected. Excessive imbalance caused by
one of these conditions may result in bearing
damage and turbine failure. Warranty DOES
cover failure caused by imbalanced
loading conditions.
To determine if the bell is dirty or damaged,
remove the bell cup and turn the turbine ON.
If the noise is eliminated, the bell cup is the
problem. If the noise continues, the turbine
may be damaged and should be inspected.
Excessive air required to achieve same speed
may indicate a faulty or contaminated turbine.
continue to operate a noisy turbine.
If a bell cup comes off a rotating shaft be-
cause of motor seizing or any other rea-
son, the Atomizer and bell cup must be re-
turned to Ransburg for inspection and
evaluation to determine if the bell can be
used in operation.
DO NOT attempt to rebuild the turbine. Any
endeavor to disassemble a turbine during
the warranty period will void the warranty.
Contact your authorized distributor or
Ransburg for instructions.
Verify daily that the operating parameters
have not varied significantly from the normal.
A drastic change in high voltage, operating
current, turbine air, or shaping air, can be an
early indicator of potential component failure.
A laminated poster entitled “Rotary Atomizer
Checklist” (AER0075-02) is included with the
assembly in the Literature Kit to be posted
near the station as a handy reference.
Due to the close proximity of high voltage to
ground potential, a schedule must be devel-
oped for equipment maintenance