Introduction, General description, Safety features – Ransburg 9060 HV P.S. Air Motor 80102-31X User Manual
Page 12: Displays
9060 for No. 2 Process Handgun - Introduction
The Ransburg
No. 2 Handgun Process
The No. 2 Process
is an electrical atomiza-
tion method for applying coatings to objects
electrostatically. The No. 2 Process Handgun
system applies a high voltage, negative, DC
charge to the applicator bell, creating an
electrostatic field between the bell and the
target object. The target is electrically ground-
ed through its support which may be station-
ary or moving; or through an electrical con-
nection to a known true earth ground.
A regulated pressure fluid system delivers
coating material to the bell when the gun is
triggered. There, the fluid travels across the
face of the rotating bell and becomes charged.
The fluid is electrically atomized at the edge of
the bell forming a fine mist which, under the
influence of the electrostatic field, is attracted
to and deposited on the target object. The
forces between the charged particles and the
grounded target are sufficient to turn almost
all overspray around and deposit it on the side
and back surfaces of the target. Thus, a high
percentage of the spray is deposited on the
target and overspray is controlled.
The 9060 High Voltage Controller
The Ransburg 9060 High Voltage Controller
(80102-31X) is used to provide high voltage
for the No. 2 Process Handgun. It uses a
combination of proven high voltage generation
technology and microprocessor-based control.
It uses a variable voltage output to drive a
cascade that amplifies the voltage to a high
kV level. It also uses current feedback
information to maintain the desired set point.
The processor circuitry provides the maximum
in applicator transfer efficiency, while main-
taining the maximum safety.
The 9060 Controller selection and adjust-
ment of set point values is performed from
the controller front panel. The triggering of
the HV is initiated by the airflow switch built
into the controller which senses airflow
triggered by the No. 2 Process Handgun.
The Ransburg 9060 High Voltage Controller
provides maximized operational safety. The
protections include detection of Ground
Faults, Cable Faults, Feedback Signal
Faults, Overvoltage, and Overcurrent. The
microprocessor circuits provide a controlled
output load curve, which limits the high
voltage output to safe levels while monitoring
control and feedback signals for unsafe
conditions. Maximum operational safety is
obtained when the correct applicator settings
are used and when safe distances between
the applicator and target are observed and
followed. The maximum efficiency of the
high voltage controller is based on load.
The front panel displays the high voltage set
point as well as a reading of gun current
output. The gun current is derived from
feedback signals between the controller and
the cascade.
Figure 1: 9060 High Voltage Controller (HV2)