Data format used by m-link in wattmeter mode – Gentec-EO M-LINK User Manual

Page 38

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LINK User’s Manual Revision 3.0



Sets the wavelength.

Send Wav1064CRLF sets the wavelength to 1064 nm, M-LINK replies with
the following:
Min range, max range, current range, corrections active CRLF
Corrections active is 1 if wavelength correction is active, 0 if they are not.

If the wave command is sent with no argument or if the argument is outside
the wave correction table, M-LINK returns ERR CRLF.



Reply 25, 35, 25, 0
Minimum range is 3 m(W or J), maximum range is 300 m(W or J), current
range is 3 m(W or J), wavelength correction is inactive.

3.2.5 Data Format used by M-LINK in wattmeter mode.


PPPP is the pulse data (ADC counts) with 3276 being full scale.

RR is the range index

PPPPPP is the pulse period count. 1 million counts represent 1 second.


Data = 06BD,1B000774CRLF

The pulse is 0x06BD, or 1725 counts.

The range is 0x1B, or index 27 which is 30mW or 30mJ.

The reading will be 1725 / 3276 x 30mJ (mW) = 15.80mJ (mW).

The period is 0x000774 or 1908 counts. 1E6 counts / second / 1908 counts = 524Hz.