Range & autorange, Trigger level, Send data – Gentec-EO M-LINK User Manual

Page 18: Log data

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LINK User’s Manual Revision 3.0


When you change the scale, the acquisition and all display modes will stop for a few milliseconds.

To measure higher repetition rates

it is possible to use the “Turbo Mode”. Simply go to the

“Acquisition Mode” menu on the upper right corner of the window. Select “Turbo Mode. When
using the “Turbo Mode” only the statistics Window is available. It is possible to do statistics on a
small batch size. It is also possible to log data in the “Turbo Mode”. Range & Autorange

The available range depends on the head ranges and the monitor's physical range. Autorange tries to
find the best measurement scale. Trigger Level

The trigger level only works if an energy detector head is connected or if a power detector head is used in
Pulse Energy (Calorimeter)
mode. This option allows you to change the Trigger Level from 2% of the
full-scale default value. This proves to be especially useful in noisy environments. Acceptable values
range from 0.1% to 99% in 0.1% increments. Caution should be taken when choosing a lower trigger
level than the 2% default value in a high noise environment. You have to disable the autoscale in order
to change the trigger level. When Auto range is turned on it resets the trigger to 2%.

Caution! If you select a high value trigger level the M-LINK may not be able to detect all the values of
widely varying energy levels in auto range mode. The auto range function uses the energy level of the
last pulse to set the scale level. Therefore, it will not detect the next pulses, if they are lower than the
trigger level. As a result, the auto range may become caught on a high scale value. To avoid this
problem, select a lower value for the trigger level, change the scale manually, or reset the auto range
mode by reselecting auto in the Range menu.

Erratic triggering?

In electrically noisy environments, it is possible that the M-LINK will inadvertently trigger on the noise. If it
does, increase the trigger level to 3% or higher if necessary.

It is always good practice to reduce electrical noise generation, or shield the detector and monitor, when
measuring very low pulse energies.

You can also set the M-LINK to be triggered externally, via the BNC port. Just Select EXTERNAL for the
trigger Source. It is possible to select the trigger polarity. Positive is a trigger source that goes low to
High. Negative is for a trigger source that goes high to low. Send data

This commands the M-LINK to Send data. Log data

This command logs data on your PC Hard drive. The log is the same output as the Graphic. Set
the Graphic to continuous. Select a file name and path to store the data. Press Log Data to log
the data. The software will continue logging data until you close the file. Reset the Graphic to
continuous if you want a continuous time stamp. Once you do so, the software will continue to
use that file until you close it.