Hyperterminal settings shortcut, Serial commands, M-link serial commands – Gentec-EO M-LINK User Manual

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LINK User’s Manual Revision 3.0


host sends it a character. The routine assumes the sent character was a carriage return. Based on the
actual value of the received character the instrument determines the baud rate of the host PC and resets
its baud rate to match. It then sends the discovered baud rate to the host PC.

The instrument can be forced to the Autobaud state at any time by sending a com break. A com break is
an empty bit frame. The instrument contains circuitry that detects this event and forces a hardware reset
of the instrument. This allows the application software to reset the instrument to a known state.

In the HyperTerminal window type VER, press

ENTER. If the response you receive tells you your M-

LINK version number, you are successfully connected and ready for serial command action. HyperTerminal settings shortcut

When you end the session, HyperTerminal asks you if you want to save your settings. To avoid re-
entering the communication parameters, save them by clicking yes. The next time you execute the string
of commands as shown above, the name of your session will appear after HyperTerminal. Clicking on
the session name opens the connection using the saved settings. To avoid re-entering the string of
commands, put a shortcut to this file on your desktop:

Find the file name, right click on it and select Shortcut in the drop down menu.

3.2.4 Serial Commands

M-LINK Serial commands

All commands and replies are followed by a carriage return (0x0D) and a line feed (0x0A). If a command
is used with no arguments it will become a query.

All commands except AUT, SRC, STR1 and SQL reply with:

Ok if the command executed correctly.

Err if the command could not be executed.

All Queries reply with the item that was queried or Err if the query could not be executed.