FIREPOWER Firefinder XLS User Manual

Page 6

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Industry, Inc.

Building Technologies Division

PSC-12 Power Supply Charger Module

PSC-12 Power Supply Charger Module
The Power Supply Charger Module (Model PSC-12) is a

high-current power supply that provides the FireFinder

XLS primary-regulated 24VDC power to operate. Model

PSC-12 is rated at 12Amps (Alarm) / 5Amps (Standby), and

has a built-in battery charger, capable of charging up to 100

AH batteries. Model PSC-12 is an addressable-intelligent,

microprocessor-controlled module that communicates its

status to the system-operator interface (PMI). Model PMI is

able to query the status of the power supply to obtain

information regarding system-charging current, terminal-

loading information, ground-fault conditions and more.

PTB Power Termination Board

PTB Power Termination Board
The PSC-12 comes packaged with a module called the

Power Termination Board (Model PTB). Model PTB is

required for operation with Model PSC-12. Model PTB filters

the power from the incoming AC mains, and distributes it

to the Model PSC-12 power supply and the optional Model

PSX-12 power-supply extender.
Model PTB has an optional connector that can be used during
system installation, commissioning and service to provide

the technician with a place to plug in their laptop PC, if

required. Model AC-ADPT is an optional accessory cable that

allows connection on one side to Model PTB, via a keyed

connector and on the other end directly into to the laptop's

Most laptop-computer external power transformers have
removable AC power cords, which can be replaced by the

optional Model AC-ADPT to temporarily provide an AC

power source for laptop-PC usage during system

installation, service and maintenance calls when needed.

PSX-12 Power Supply Extender

PSX-12 Power Supply Extender
The Power Supply Extender (Model PSX-12) is a high-current,

auxiliary power supply that expands the main Model PSC-12

power supply and battery charger of the FireFinder XLS

system with an additional 24VDC power. Model PSX-12

is rated at 12 Amps.

RNI Remote Network Interface

RNI Remote Network Interface
The Remote Network Interface (Model RNI) provides a

connection point for use with equipment mounted in a

remote-lobby enclosure on the FireFinder XLS FACP. Model

RNI is used to provide additional input, output and control

features to the system remotely, via the main control panel.

These additional features may include control switches and

indicators: (Models SCM-8, LCM-8 and FCM-6), remote-

emergency paging microphones or telephones: (Models

LVM, FMT), or controls used in graphic annunciators (Models

SIM16, OCM-16) or system-status display with the ability to

acknowledge alarms, silence audibles and reset the

system (Model SSD-C-REM). Model RNI allows Model

PMI to be mounted in the Model REMBOX2 or Model

REMBOX4 remote lobby enclosure.

RPM Remote Printer Module

RPM Remote Printer Module
The Remote Printer Module (Model RPM) provides a means

of connecting the FireFinder XLS system to a printer, such

as Model PAL-1, for creating a hard copy of system status and

configuration reports. Simultaneously, Model RPM

provides an output port that can be configured to

communicate with external systems.