Installation, Condensate drain piping, Venting terminations – Fulton Caliber (CAL) Condensing Hydronic Boiler User Manual
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© The Fulton Companies 2014
Use of automatic vent dampers or
barometric dampers with the Caliber
boiler in positive pressure systems
may result in exhaust leaking into the
boiler room.
It is critical to fi ll the condensate trap
with water prior to the fi rst time the
boiler is started up. Failure to do so
could allow fl ue gas products into the
boiler installation space, resulting in
personal injury or death.
he exhaust vent installer should be
familiar with Federal Codes as well
as local codes and regulations.
Fulton cannot assume responsibility
for an air intake or exhaust
arrangement where Caliber boilers
are common vented with any other
type of equipment.
Failure to slope the exhaust line toward
the drain with a pitch of at least 1/4”
per foot may result in a condensate
pocket, which can result in an
inoperative boiler.
To prevent the possible re-circulation
of fl ue gases, the vent designer must
take into consideration such things
as prevailing winds, eddy zones,
building confi gurations, etc. It is the
responsibility of the installer to locate
the exhaust duct in such a way that it
does not become blocked due to snow,
ice, and other natural or man-made
Do not locate the vent termination too
close to shrubbery as fl ue products may
stunt their growth or kill them.
Condensate Drain Piping
A condensate trap and drain is integral to the boiler. The trap is located inside
the cabinet, and the drain connection is at the back of the boiler. All condensate
piping is to be pitched away from this drain connection to ensure proper
The trap is equipped with a high condensate alarm functionality, which
will annunciate via the SOLA control if the fl ue gas condensate is not draining
away properly.
Adhere to the following for condensate drain piping installation:
1. A condensate collecting tank and condensate pump will be required if a
fl oor drain is not available to discharge to (Collecting tank and pump are
not supplied with the boiler). Complete condensate drain kits are available
from Fulton.
2. It is recommended that all condensate piping be galvanized or stainless
steel and should be free of leaks. Do not use copper or carbon steel piping.
3. Install the condensate piping to the condensate drain at the back of the
Be aware that condensate drain piping may be as hot as the exhaust stack
on the boiler. Precautions should be taken to ensure this piping will not cause
burns or other injuries to personnel in the boiler room.
4. Ensure that the condensate drain piping will not be exposed to
temperatures at which the fl ue gas condensate has the potential of
Venting Terminations
Adhere to the following for installation (see Figure 10):
1. All vent pipes and fi ttings must be installed with appropriate air space
clearances to combustibles. These air space clearances apply to indoor or
outdoor vents—whether they are open, enclosed, horizontal or vertical or
pass through fl oors, walls, roofs, or framed spaces. The air space clearances
should be observed to joists, studs, subfl oors, plywood, drywall or plaster
enclosures, insulating sheathing, rafters, roofi ng, and any other material
classed as combustible.
2. The required minimum air space clearances also apply to electrical wires
and any kind of building insulation.
3. Adequate provision must be made to support the weight of the exhaust
venting. It cannot be supported by the boiler exhaust connection.
4. Listed termination parts must be used.
5. Select the air intake point of penetration where a minimum of 1/4” per foot