Introduction – PASCO OS-8536 OPTICS TABLE User Manual

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Optics Table


The PASCO OS-8536 Optics Table includes:

– cylindrical lens

– ray table

– ray table base and mounting hardware

The lens, ray table, and ray table base are designed to be
used with the Optics Bench, Ray Optics Kit, and Light
Source which are included in the OS-8515 Basic Optics

Cylindrical Lens

The Cylindrical Lens is a “D”-shaped piece of clear
acrylic plastic. The lens is one inch (2.54 cm) thick, and
the radius of curvature is one inch (2.54 cm).

Ray Table

The Ray Table is a metal disk six inches (15.24 cm) in
diameter with a degree scale printed on both sides. In ad-
dition, the center of one side has a Cartesian grid marked
in millimeters (mm). The Ray Table has a hole in its cen-
ter which fits over the post on the top of the Ray Table

Ray Table Base

The top side of the Ray Table Base has a ring of magnetic
material that holds the Ray Table in position when the
Ray Table is placed on the post on the top of the table.

The mounting hardware on each leg of the Ray Table
Base consists of a square nut and a thumbscrew. The
square nuts fit into the T-slot on each side of the Optics
Bench that is a part of the OS-8515 Basic Optics System.
Tightening the thumbscrews holds the Ray Table Base in
position when it is mounted on the Optics Bench.

Mounting the Ray Table Base to the Optics

Loosen each thumbscrew by turning counter-clockwise.
Leave the square nut on the end of each thumbscrew. At-
tach the Ray Table Base to the Optics Bench by inserting
the square nuts into the T-slots on each side of the track.
The base can be moved to any position along the track
while the thumbscrews are loose. Tighten the thumb-
screws to secure the base in position.



Ray Table Base

Figure 1: Components

Ray Table

Ray Table


Cylindrical Lens


square nut

Figure 2: Mounting Ray Table Base