PASCO TD-8497 Solar Constant User Manual
Page 9

Solar Constant
Model No. TD-8497
For Further Study:
1. Repeat the experiment with the three black cylinders.
2. Calculate the intensity, I, for all three cylinders. The heavier small black cylinder is made
of brass. Did you record about the same intensity value for all three cylinders?
3. Look at the equilibrium temperature that each cylinder reaches. Why aren't the equilibria
the same, in view of your answer from question (2)?
Teacher’s Notes
Shown below are typical heating rates of three aluminum cylinders with three different
surfaces. Notice that both the heating rate and final temperature are largest for the black
cylinder. The white cylinder clearly is the coolest at the final temperature. The slope on the
graph is in degrees C/second, even though the axis is displayed in minutes. This data was
taken in California during the summer around noon. The ambient temperature was measured
with a Fast Response Temperature Probe, and thus the fluctuations there are real, due to very
small air currents around the building. Also notice the small dip in all three temperatures at
about 16 minutes, due to a small cloud that drifted by!
Heating Rates of Three Aluminum Cylinders with Different Surfaces