PASCO TD-8497 Solar Constant User Manual

Page 6

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Model No. TD-8497

Solar Constant



6. Connect one or more temperature sensor(s) to either a PASPORT or ScienceWorkshop

computer interface. (See the interface setup options on the this page.)

7. Open DataStudio. To begin collecting data, click the Start button.

Setup Options with



Interfaces - You can datalog with a 500 or 750 ScienceWorkshop interface in real time. With a
ScienceWorkshop interface, you can use up to three sensor ports.

Sensors and probes - Use the CI-Thermistor Sensor (CI-6527A), and either the PS-2153
Stainless Steel Temperature Probe or the CI-6605 Stainless Steel Temperature Probe.

Setup Options with PASPORT Interfaces

Interfaces - Data log with any of the following: a) an Xplorer, b) laptop computer with USB
link or c) PowerLink with a laptop computer or a palm handheld device.

Sensors and probes - You can use either a single Quad Temperature Sensor (PS-2143) or
three PS-2125 Temperature Sensors. A Quad Temp sensor is recommended. With a single
Quad Temperature Sensor, you can attach four temperature probes (three stainless steel
probes for the temperature of the cylinders and one Fast Response Temperature Probe (PS-
2135) to separately monitor the ambient temperature).

Experiment Tips

1. Place the cylinders and entire apparatus outdoors in direct sunlight. This experiment must

be performed in direct sunlight. It can be performed in early morning and late afternoon, but
of course, the values you record in the early morning will be much lower. If you are trying to
find the true solar constant, you will record a better value if you perform the experiment in
the middle of a clear day in summer.

2. Aim and align the stainless steel probes directly at the sun. The best way to check

alignment is to look at the shadow the cylinder casts on the base. This is why the base is
white. If the experiment lasts for more than 10 or 15 minutes, recheck the alignment to
account for the motion of the sun.

3. Record the initial temperature of the cylinders before starting the experiment. If you are

trying to measure the solar constant, start with the cylinders at least 5


C below outside

ambient temperature. If you bring the cylinders from inside where it is cool, this might be
enough. If not, cool the cylinders with ice or cold water, but make sure they are dry before
starting. Don’t get water in the holes of the cylinders. It also helps to have a shade to
cover the cylinders while you set up and check alignment. When all three cylinders are at
about the same temperature (at least 5


C below ambient temperature), start recording and

remove the shade.