PASCO ME-6800 Projectile Launcher (Short Range) User Manual

Page 38

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P r o j e c t i l e L a u n c h e r

E x p . 8 ( D e m o ) : D o 3 0 ° a n d 6 0 ° G i v e t h e S a m e R a n g e ?





Change the angle of the Launcher to 60° and shoot the ball again. Call attention to the fact that the ball again
lands on the box (confirming that the ranges are the same).


Change the angle to 45° and shoot the ball again to show that the ball now lands further away, missing the


Ask the question: What other pairs of angles will have a common range? Will 20° and 70° have the same
range? Will 35° and 55° have the same range?

This demonstration can be done for any two angles that add up to 90°.

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