Expectations for the projectile launcher – PASCO ME-6800 Projectile Launcher (Short Range) User Manual
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P r o j e c t i l e L a u n c h e r
G e n e r a l O p e r a t i o n o f t h e P r o j e c t i l e L a u n c h e r
Installing the 2-D (two dimensional) Collision Accessory
The 2-D (two dimensional) Collision Accessory is a plastic
bar with a thumbscrew and square nut. The bar has a post
and you can balance a second ball on the post in front of the
muzzle. When the launched ball collides with the second
ball, they experience a two dimensional (2-D) collision.
To assemble the Collision Accessory, insert the thumb-
screw through the hole in the plastic bar and screw the
square nut onto the thumbscrew. Leave the square nut loose
on the thumbscrew until you install the Collision Acces-
sory onto the Launcher.
To install the Collision Accessory onto the Launcher, slide
the square nut into the T-shaped slot on the bottom side of the barrel. Adjust the position of the Collision Acces-
sory and then tighten the thumbscrew. Place a ball on the top of the post, loosen the thumbscrew slightly, and
rotate the Collision Accessory to one side or the other until the ball on the post is in a place where it will be hit by
the launched ball at the angle that you want.
Expectations for the Projectile Launcher
The muzzle speed will vary slightly with angle. The difference between muzzle speed when shot horizontally
versus vertically can be between zero to eight percent, depending on the range setting.
Although the muzzle end of the Projectile Launcher does not change height with angle, it is about 30 centime-
ters (12 inches) above table level. If you desire to show that projectiles fired with the same muzzle speed but
at complementary angles will have the same range, you need to shoot to a horizontal target that is at the same
height as the muzzle.
The scatter pattern of projectiles with the Projectile Launcher is minimized when the Projectile Launcher is
securely clamped to a sturdy table. Any wobble in the table will show up in the data.
The angle of inclination can be determined to within one-half of a degree.
2-D Collision Accessory