Handling and storage, Exposure controls / personal protection, Physical and chemical properties – PASCO WA-9898 Ripple Tank Replacement Set User Manual

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Product Name: TERGITOL(TM) L-62

Issue Date: 01/26/2006

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Personal Precautions: Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering the area. Spilled
material may cause a slipping hazard. Use appropriate safety equipment. For additional information,
refer to Section 8, Exposure Controls and Personal Protection.
Environmental Precautions: Prevent from entering into soil, ditches, sewers, waterways and/or
groundwater. See Section 12, Ecological Information.


Handling and Storage


General Handling: Spills of these organic materials on hot fibrous insulations may lead to lowering of
the autoignition temperatures possibly resulting in spontaneous combustion. Product on surfaces can
cause slippery conditions. Product shipped/handled hot can cause thermal burns. Product handled
hot may require additional ventilation or local exhaust.


Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Store in the following material(s): Stainless steel.
Polypropylene. Polyethylene-lined container. Teflon. Glass-lined container. Aluminum. Plasite 3066
lined container. Plasite 3070 lined container. 316 stainless steel.

Shelf life: Use within

Storage temperature:

24 Months

15 - 35 °C


Exposure Controls / Personal Protection

Exposure Limits

None established

Personal Protection

Eye/Face Protection: Use safety glasses.
Skin Protection: No precautions other than clean body-covering clothing should be needed. When
handling hot material, protect skin from thermal burns. Selection of specific items will depend on the

Hand protection:

Use gloves with insulation for thermal protection, when needed.

Respiratory Protection: For most conditions, no respiratory protection should be needed; however, if
material is heated or sprayed, use an approved air-purifying respirator. The following should be
effective types of air-purifying respirators: Organic vapor cartridge with a particulate pre-filter.
Ingestion: Use good personal hygiene. Do not consume or store food in the work area. Wash hands
before smoking or eating.

Engineering Controls

Ventilation: Good general ventilation should be sufficient for most conditions. Local exhaust
ventilation may be necessary for some operations.


Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical State






Flash Point - Closed Cup

216 °C (421 °F)


Flammable Limits In Air

Lower: No test data available

Upper: No test data available

Autoignition Temperature

No test data available

Vapor Pressure

No test data available

Boiling Point (760 mmHg)

Not applicable decomposes before boiling.