First-aid measures, Fire fighting measures, Accidental release measures – PASCO WA-9898 Ripple Tank Replacement Set User Manual

Page 4: Composition information

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Product Name: TERGITOL(TM) L-62

Issue Date: 01/26/2006

Page 2 of 7


Low toxicity if swallowed. Small amounts swallowed incidentally as a result of normal

handling operations are not likely to cause injury; however, swallowing larger amounts may cause
Effects of Repeated Exposure:

For similar material(s): In animals, effects have been reported on the

following organs after exposure to aerosols: Lung.




Polyalkylene glycol


<= 99.0


4. First-aid


Eye Contact: Flush eyes thoroughly with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses after the
initial 1-2 minutes and continue flushing for several additional minutes. If effects occur, consult a
physician, preferably an ophthalmologist.
Skin Contact: Wash skin with plenty of water.
Inhalation: Move person to fresh air; if effects occur, consult a physician.
Ingestion: If swallowed, seek medical attention. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by
medical personnel.
Notes to Physician: If burn is present, treat as any thermal burn, after decontamination. No specific
antidote. Treatment of exposure should be directed at the control of symptoms and the clinical
condition of the patient.


Fire Fighting Measures

Extinguishing Media: Water fog or fine spray. Dry chemical fire extinguishers. Carbon dioxide fire
extinguishers. Foam. Do not use direct water stream. May spread fire. Alcohol resistant foams (ATC
type) are preferred. General purpose synthetic foams (including AFFF) or protein foams may function,
but will be less effective.
Fire Fighting Procedures: Keep people away. Isolate fire and deny unnecessary entry. Use water
spray to cool fire exposed containers and fire affected zone until fire is out and danger of reignition has
passed. Fight fire from protected location or safe distance. Consider the use of unmanned hose
holders or monitor nozzles. Immediately withdraw all personnel from the area in case of rising sound
from venting safety device or discoloration of the container. Do not use direct water stream. May
spread fire. Move container from fire area if this is possible without hazard. Burning liquids may be
moved by flushing with water to protect personnel and minimize property damage.
Special Protective Equipment for Firefighters: Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing
apparatus (SCBA) and protective fire fighting clothing (includes fire fighting helmet, coat, trousers,
boots, and gloves). If protective equipment is not available or not used, fight fire from a protected
location or safe distance.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Container may rupture from gas generation in a fire situation.
Violent steam generation or eruption may occur upon application of direct water stream to hot liquids.
Hazardous Combustion Products: During a fire, smoke may contain the original material in addition
to combustion products of varying composition which may be toxic and/or irritating. Combustion
products may include and are not limited to: Carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide.

6. Accidental



Steps to be Taken if Material is Released or Spilled: Contain spilled material if possible. Absorb
with materials such as: Sand. Dirt. Collect in suitable and properly labeled containers. See Section
13, Disposal Considerations, for additional information.


Composition Information