Introduction – PASCO OS-8533A POLARIZATION ANALYZER User Manual
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Polarization Analyzer
The PASCO OS-8533A Polarization Analyzer is designed to be mounted on the Optics Bench of the OS-8515
Basic Optics System and to be used with the Basic Optics Light Source (part of the OS-8515 Basic Optics Sys-
tem) and a Light Sensor such as the PASCO CI-6504A, or PS-2106 to explore polarization. When used with the
PASCO CI-6538 or PS-2120 Rotary Motion Sensor, you can measure the relationship between the light inten-
sity transmitted through a set of polarizers and the angle of the polarizers.
Recommended Equipment
Basic Optics System (OS-8515)
Light Sensor (CI-6504A or PS-2106)
Rotary Motion Sensor (CI-6538, or PS-2120)
The Polarization Analyzer consists of a Po-
larizer Holder, an Accessory Holder with
Mounting Bracket, two Polarizers, a Retarder
and an Aperature Bracket. The mounting
bracket is permanently attached to the Acces-
sory Holder. The mounting bracket holds a
Rotary Motion Sensor in position to measure
the angle of one Polarizer as it turns relative
to the other Polarizer. The mounting bracket
includes two thumbscrews and a plastic belt.
The thumbscrews attach the Rotary Motion
Sensor to the bracket. The plastic belt is used
with a Rotary Motion Sensor.
The Polarizers and Retarder snap into the
opening at the top of the Accessory Holder
or the Polarizer Holder. The Retarder is a
one-quarter wavelength (140 nanometer) re-
tarder. Each Polarizer has an angular scale
near its outside edge marked in ten degree
increments with additional marks at 45, 135,
225, and 315 degrees.
One of the Polarizers has a groove on its front edge. Use
this Polarizer with the Accessory Holder. When the Ro-
tary Motion Sensor is mounted on the Accessory Holder
bracket, you can put the plastic belt over the groove on the
front of the Polarizer and a groove on the three-step pulley on
the Rotary Motion Sensor. This allows you to measure the
angular position of the Polarizer as it turns.
Mounting a Rotary Motion Sensor
Prepare the Rotary Motion Sensor
You will need a Phillips head screwdriver with a small tip
(e.g., #1).
The Rotary Motion Sensor comes with a rod clamp
Figure 2: Remove Rod Clamp
Rotary Motion Sensor
rod clamp
Phillips head screwriver
Remove two
screws from the
rod clamp.
Polarizer Holder
Polarizer with
Accessory Holder with
Mounting Bracket
plastic belt
storage holes
Figure 1: Polarization Analyzer Components