Specifications – PASCO ME-6977 Fan Cart User Manual
Page 6

Fan Cart
Experiment #2:
Determine the force of the Fan Cart by connecting the cart to a mass that hangs over a
pulley. Adjust the hanging mass until the cart doesn’t move.
Next, turn the fan at an angle and determine the component of the force. Determine
whether the force component in the direction of motion is F cos
. (This experiment
must be performed on a PASCO track so the cart will go in a straight line.)
Experiment #3:
Put the Fan Cart on a track and incline the track until the cart can’t climb the incline.
Experiment #4:
Put the Fan Cart on top of the PASCO Friction Cart and adjust the friction (or the
VARIABLE THRUST on the Fan Cart) until the cart goes at a constant speed.
Experiment #5: The Cart Race
Set up a “race” between the Fan Cart and a Motorized Cart (PASCO Model
ME-9781). Put two PASCO tracks side by side. Mount a Motion Sensor on the left
end of each track. Place the carts on the tracks approximately 15 cm in front of the
sensors. Position the carts so that they start at the same position. Set the Fan Cart’s
thrust to LOW. Adjust the Motorized Cart’s speed to maximum. Start the carts going
at the same time. Starting at the same point and time, the constant speed Motorized
Cart initially takes the lead but is ‘caught’ and passed by the Fan Cart moving at a
constant acceleration.
Air Flow
Air Flow
Force, F
F cos
Mass, Fan Cart, and Mass, Sail
Approximately 0.300 kg and approximately 0.100 kg
Battery Pack
7.2 volts, 1.25 amp-hour. One hour typical recharge time.
Thrust: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH
Approximately 0.04 N, 0.15 N, and 0.22 N
Thrust: VARIABLE (minimum to maximum)
Approximately 0.01 N to 0.23 N