PASCO ME-6936 Metabolism Chamber User Manual
Page 4

M o d e l N o . M E - 6 9 3 6
S a m p l e A c t i v i t i e s
Data Collection
1. Start a new experiment on the data collection system.
2. Connect a carbon dioxide (CO
) gas sensor and an oxygen (O
) gas sensor to the data collection system.
Use the sensor extension cable to connect the CO
sensor to the collection system.
3. Calibrate the CO
sensor and calibrate the O
4. Change the unit of measurement for the O
sensor from “%” to “ppm”.
5. Set up two graphs to display simultaneously. One one graph, display CO
concentration on the y-axis
and Time on the x-axis. On the other graph, display O
concentration on the y-axis and Time on the
6. For the first trial, place 25 glass beads into the Metabolism Chamber.
7. Start recording data.
8. Insert the CO
sensor into the top of the Metabolism Chamber and the O
sensor into the hole on the
side of the Metabolism Chamber. Firmly press the rubber stoppers of the sensors into the chamber. The
Metabolism Chamber must remain vertical; do not lay it on its side.
9. Adjust the scale of the graphs to show all data.
10. After 10 minutes, stop recording data.
11. Name the data run “Glass Beads”.
12. Remove the sensors and the glass beads from the Metabolism Chamber. Wave the chamber so that the
air in the chamber mixes with air in the room.
13. Repeat the data recording procedure (steps 7 to 12) for dry pea seeds, germinating pea seeds, boiled ger-
minating pea seeds, and chilled germinating pea seeds.
Data Analysis
14. Apply a linear fit to each of the five CO
data runs to find the slope of each line.
15. Apply a linear fit to each of the five O
data runs to find the slope of each line.
16. Compare and analyze the rate of CO
production and O
consumption in the following:
glass beads versus germinating pea seeds
germinating pea seeds versus chilled germinating pea seeds
germinating pea seeds versus boiled germinating pea seeds
chilled germinating pea seeds versus boiled germinating pea seeds