Sample data – PASCO ME-6937 Aquatic Productivity Bottles User Manual

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S a m p l e D a t a


Table 1: Dissolved Oxygen and Productivity at Various Light Intensities

Data Analysis

1. Calculate the respiration rate (R) for your group's algae solution and record in Table 1. R equals the total amount

of dissolved oxygen consumed in the bottle that received no light (0% bottle), since there was no photosynthetic
activity in that bottle. So:

R = Initial DO concentration - Final DO concentration (0% bottle).

2. Calculate the net primary productivity (NPP) of the algae in each of your group's bottles and record in Table 1.

NPP = Final [DO] of bottle - Initial [DO] of bottle

3. Calculate the gross productivity of the algae in each of your group's bottles.

GPP = NPP of bottle + R

Sample Data

Table 1: Dissolved oxygen at varying light intensities

Light Intensity

Initial [DO]

Final [DO]

Rate (mg/L)

Net Primary
Productivity (mg/L)

Gross Primary
Productivity (mg/L)