PASCO ME-6937 Aquatic Productivity Bottles User Manual
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M o d e l N o . M E - 6 9 3 7
S a m p l e A c t i v i t y
5. Calibrate the DO sensor. (See the instructions that came with the sensor and the data collection system.)
6. Begin monitoring data without recording.
7. Remove the DO probe from its storage bottle and carefully insert the probe into the culture. The silver ring on the
probe should be immersed in the culture, but the probe should not be touching the bottom of the beaker.
8. Measure the concentration of DO of the algae culture while gently swirling the probe in the culture.
9. When the DO levels have stabilized on the digits display, note the DO concentration as the initial concentration
of DO. Record the data in Table 1.
10. Rinse the DO probe with the wash bottle and return the probe to its storage bottle.
11. If your teacher has not already done so, label the bottoms of the five Aquatic Productivity Bottles with the per-
centages of light (e.g., 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%).
12. Fill the bottles, one by one, by completely immersing them in the large vessel of algae culture. While each bottle
is submerged, shake it to ensure that all air bubbles have left the bottle and then place the cap on the bottle while
it is still submerged.
13. Remove the capped bottle from the algae culture and dry it with a paper towel.
14. When all of the bottles are filled, remove the lid of the rack and place the bottles into the matching rack cham-
bers. (To remove the lid, press in on the latches at both ends of the rack.) After putting in the bottles, replace the
lid on the rack. Place the rack with the bottles in the incubation area under a fluorescent light and allow them to
sit undisturbed for 24 hours.
NOTE: Be sure that each labeled bottle goes into the matching rack chamber.
Day Two
15. After 24 hours, find your bottles, bring them back to your lab station, and remove the rack lid.
16. Connect a dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor to the data collection system.
17. Display Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) in a digits display.
18. Lay several paper towels onto the lab table. Starting with the 100% bottle, take the bottle out of the rack, place it
onto the paper towels and carefully remove the cap.
19. Begin monitoring data without recording.
20. Remove the DO probe from the storage bottle and carefully insert it into the culture. The silver ring on the probe
should be immersed in culture, but the probe should not be touching the bottom of the bottle.
21. Measure the concentration of DO of the algae culture while gently swirling the probe in the culture.
NOTE: Try not to introduce any air bubbles into the algae solution during data collection.
22. When the DO levels have stabilized on the digits display, note the DO concentration as the final concentration of
DO. Record the data in Table 1. Rinse the DO probe with the wash bottle.
23. Repeat this procedure with each of the remaining four bottles (75%, 50%, 25%, and 0%). Rinse the DO probe
with the wash bottle in between each bottle. Return the probe to its storage bottle when finished.