PASCO TD-8513 Heat Conduction Apparatus User Manual

Page 14

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H e a t C o n d u c t i o n Ap p a r a t u s

S a m p l e D a t a


For these sample data, the heat flow rates are:

The wide brass bar has a higher heat flow rate than the narrow brass bar. The data also
show that

T in different materials is not directly related to heat flow rate.

B. Heat Pulse

This graph shows the temperatures increasing
(with the switch set to HEAT) before the switch
starts alternating. The apparatus is driven with
a square wave. At the first close thermistor
(upper trace on the graph) the wave resembles a
triangle wave; at the far thermistor is looks
more like a sine wave.

The wave at the far thermistor lags the near
thermistor by 10.5 s. The wave speed is
30 mm/10.5 s = 2.9 mm/s.

Wide Brass

0.36 J/s

Narrow Brass

0.28 J/s


0.28 J/s

Stainless Steel

0.17 J/s