PASCO TD-8513 Heat Conduction Apparatus User Manual

Page 12

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H e a t C o n d u c t i o n Ap p a r a t u s

Ex p e r i m e n t # 2 : A n g s t r o m ’ s M e t h o d



Repeat the calculations for the data runs taken with 40-second and 50-second tri-
angle waves.

Save the three data runs recorded with 50-second triangle wave for the next part.


Does k appear to depend on the period of the wave?


Calculate the average k (including uncertainty) for all data runs and compare
your answer to the accepted value of k for aluminum.

B. Brass

Record two more data runs with a 50-second triangle wave so that you have a total of
five. Repeat the analysis from part A for the wide brass bar and narrow brass bar sep-
erately. Does the bar’s cross-sectional area appear to affect the value of k?

C. Stainless Steel

Record five data runs with a 100-second triangle wave. Repeat the analysis for the
stainless steel bar.

Compare the thermal conductivities of the three materials that you tested.