Measurement tips, About the measurements – PASCO PS-2174 Weather_Anemometer Sensor User Manual

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W e a t h e r / A n e m o m e t e r S e n s o r

P S - 2 1 7 4


2. Click Stop to stop monitoring data.

To Record Data

1. Click Start. DataStudio starts recording data.

2. Click Stop to stop recording.

3. Click Start again to start recording in a new data run.

Measurement Tips

Equilibration Time

After a rapid change in temperature or

humidity, the sensor may take several seconds to come to equilib-
rium with the environment. Observe the measurements and wait
for them to stabilize.

Alignment with Wind

Hold the sensor so that wind blows

straight into the back of the windmill.


The sensor, especially the temperature and humidity

transducers, must be out of direct sunlight to make accurate mea-


Protect the sensor from liquid water. The sensor

must be dry and free of condensation to make accurate measure-

About the Measurements

Primary Measurements

The four primary measurements are determined from the sensor's
wind, temperature, humidity, and pressure transducers.

Wind Speed

The sensor determines Wind Speed from the rate

of rotation of the windmill. It assumes that air is flowing straight
into the back of the windmill. Wind speed must be at least 0.5 m/s
to be measured accurately. Wind speed is measured in units of
m/s, km/h, mph (miles per hour), knots, and ft/s (feet per second).

Air Temperature

Temperature is measured by the thermistor

temperature transducer. To work accurately, the transducer must
be in shade. Temperature is measured on the Celsius and Fahren-
heit scales.

Relative Humidity

Relative humidity is measured by the

humidity transducer. To work accurately, the transducer must be
in shade and at air temperature. Relative humidity is reported as a
percentage representing the ratio of the partial pressure of water
vapor to the saturated vapor pressure.

Barometric Pressure

Barometric Pressure is measured by a

pressure transducer inside the unit. The reported Barometric
Pressure is the actual air pressure, not sea-level corrected pres-

sure. Barometric Pressure is measured in units of mbar, hPa, and
inHg (inches of mercury).

Secondary Measurements

Each secondary measurement is a calculation based on one or
more of the primary measurements.

Wind Gust Speed

Wind Gust is the maximum speed

detected since the previous sample. For instance, if the sampling
period is 1 minute, each Wind Gust value is the maximum speed
that occurred in the previous minute. At the default sampling rate
of 5 samples/s, Wind Gust Speed does not differ much from
Wind Speed; however, at slower sampling rates, the difference
may be significant. Wind Gust is measured in units of m/s, km/h,
mph, knots, and ft/s.

For the Wind Gust measurement to be valid, the sensor must
remained powered between samples. If your logging interface is
allowed to “sleep” between samples, wind gusts may not be cap-

The graph (Figure 2) shows wind speed recorded at 5 samples/s.
The circles represent what the measured data would have been if
the sampling rate had been set to 1 sample every 10 s. The trian-
gles show what the wind gust data would have been at that sam-
pling rate.

Figure 2: Wind Speed (circles) and Wind Gust (triangles)

Dew Point

Dew Point is the temperature to which air must be

cooled at constant pressure for water vapor to condense. Dew
Point is reported as a temperature on the Celsius and Fahrenheit
scales. The sensor calculates Dew Point (in °C) with the formula:

Dew Point














