PASCO ME-6955 1.2 m PAScar Dynamics System User Manual

Page 26

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1 . 2 m P A S c a r D y n a m i c s S y s t e m

A d d i t i o n a l E x p e r i m e n t S u g g e s t i o n s


Multiple Inelastic Collisions

Use three carts with the magnets removed from the middle cart. Push the left cart into
the middle cart, which in turn will collide with the right cart. The carts will all stick
together. Note the resulting final velocity of the carts.

Rocket Staging

Use three or more plunger carts to simulate a rocket expelling fuel. Push the plungers
in on each cart and attach the carts together in a line. Use tape to lightly attach the
carts to each other. Position the carts at one end of the track. The lead cart represents
the rocket and the rest of the carts are fuel. Use a meter stick to release the plungers in
succession by striking the plunger-release of each cart, beginning with the last fuel
cart (furthest from the rocket cart). As each plunger is released, each cart will separate
from the rest, one at a time. Note the final speed of the rocket cart compared to its
speed when all the fuel is dumped at once.

Longitudinal Wave

Use six or more carts with magnetic bumpers installed on both ends. Install end stops
on the track with the magnetic side toward the center of the track. Start a longitudinal
pulse by displacing one of the carts. The carts will rebound off each other and the end
stops. Oscillate the end cart to keep a longitudinal wave going down the track.