Do electrolyte solution, Troubleshooting – Nova-Tech pH-Dissolved Oxygen Meter User Manual

Page 31

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DO Electrolyte solution

The electrolyte solution in your probe’s cap
will periodically evaporate and need to be
replaced. 35640-71 replacement electrolyte
solution comes premixed and ready to use.
However, the electrolyte mixture package
35640-70 has a longer shelf life in its
unmixed form.

If you purchase the electrolyte mixture
package to make your own replacement
electrolyte solution, use the following steps
to prepare the solution:


Fill a beaker to the 400 ml mark with
deionized water.


Pour the entire contents of the
58.5 grams electrolyte package into
the beaker.


Stir the solution until all of the chemical
is dissolved—until the solution is clear.


Pour the solution into a clean
container with a cap and keep sealed
between use.


10. Troubleshooting




Power on but

a) Batteries not in place.

a) Check that batteries are in

no display

place and making good

b) Batteries not in correct

b) Reinsert batteries with

polarity (+ and –).

correct polarity.

c) Weak batteries.

c) Replace batteries.


a) Insufficient electrolyte

a) Fill DO probe with reference


in DO probe.

electrolyte. See page 58-59.

b) Air bubbles in probe.

b) Tap probe to remove bubbles.

c) Dirty DO probe or

c) Clean the probe or electrode

pH electrode.

and recalibrate.

d) Probe not deep

d) Make sure sample entirely

enough in sample.

covers the probe sensors.

e) External noise pickup

e) Move or switch off

or induction caused by

interfering motor.

nearby electric motor.

f) Broken DO probe or

f) Replace probe or electrode.

pH electrode

See page 64.

Slow response

a) Dirty membrane/

a) Clean probe. See "Probe

Dirty electrode

Care & Maintenance",
page 56-59.

Not responding

a) HOLD mode in operation.

a) Cancel HOLD mode.

to key press

b) Damaged key pad.

b) Return to dealer.

c) Internal program error.

c) Reset all internal programs

by reinserting batteries. Tel: (281) 359-8538 Toll Free:(866) 433-6682