3 256mea – Multichannel Systems USB-MEA256-System Manual User Manual
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USB-MEA256-System Manual
If necessary, you can use a Faraday cage or appropriate materials, for example, aluminum foil,
for shielding the amplifier. The shielding should be connected to the amplifier's ground.
Warning: Spilled liquid can damage or even completely destroy the electronics of the
MEA256 amplifier. Please be careful when setting up your perfusion system and when
starting the perfusion. Take care that the flow rates of the inlet and outlet flow match
so that flooding of the amplifier is efficiently prevented.
4.3 256MEA
The microelectrode array 256MEA to be used with the USB-MEA256-System contain 252
recording and four ground electrodes on a glass carrier. Contact to the amplifier is provided by a
double ring of contact pads around the rim of the MEA. The electrodes are from Titanium Nitride
(TiN) with a Silicon Nitride (SiN) isolator, and contact pads and tracks are made of transparent
Indium Tin Oxide (ITO). The electrode grid is 16 x16 with a spacing of 30, 60, 100 or 200 μm
between the electrodes with a diameter of 8, 10 and 30 μm. The electrode diameter of 30 μm
results in an impedance of approximately 30 - 50 k
. Smaller electrodes have a higher impedance,
so the electrode diameter of 10 or 8 μm results in an impedance of approximately 250 - 400 k
The dimension of the glass carrier is 49 x 49 x 1 mm. MEAs are stable in a temperature range from
0° - 125° C. For information about handling and cleaning, please refer to the MEA manual and / or
to the MEA Cleaning Quick Guide. The Pin Layout is described in chapter “Data Sheet 256MEA”
in the Appendix. The 256MEA is rotationally symmetrical, so in principle the orientation in the
amplifier doesn’t matter. If the orientation is important for your experiments, you can use the
engraved serial number as marker.
The serial number is on the backside of the MEA in the upper
right edge. In the amplifier the mirrored serial number has to be placed in the upper left edge.
This way the 256-electrode layout matchs with the MC_Rack channel layout.