About the recam window – Mobi Technologies 70008 Recam Remote Monitoring User Manual
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About the ReCam window
The ReCam work area contains some panels that you can show or hide to get a more comfortable working place.
Here are some of the most used components:
Camera Main Window Camera Windows Gallery Panel
Information Viewers Log
Panel Panel Panel
The Camera Window is used to control and preview camera. It has button bar to operate with Live
Camera Thumbnails are used to select a camera and show or hide it.
The Information Panel displays useful information about the camera state.
The Log Panel collects a history about events and errors. It helps to troubleshoot a broadcasting process.
This information can be printed or saved to a file.
The Viewers Panel collects a history about viewers IP addresses and node names. This information can be
printed or saved to a file.
The Gallery Panel shows small images of recorded files and snapshots in the Gallery folder. Click with right
mouse button to an image to get a context menu for the appropriated file.
To open a panel, use the View menu. A check mark next to an item indicates that the named item is currently
open. To display an item that isn't currently open, choose the item name from the menu.