Mobi Technologies 70008 Recam Remote Monitoring User Manual

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Live Recording

The Live Recording means that the program records video and audio constantly in a temporary file. This process
takes some CPU usage, but at any moment you can rewind and playback recorded content. The maximum
duration of live content is controlled by the Max. File Size value.

Click to select the Enable Live Recording check box to switch on the live recording.

Specify temporary file name in the Live File box.

The file with live recording can be encrypted to prevent its misusing. Select the encryption type from the Encrypt
Live File

Archive Recording

The Archive Recording is performed when user clicks the Record button, or if a motion has been detected, or if
the recording was scheduled at certain time. The video and audio content is streamed into a file on the computer's
hard disk.

ReCam saves the recorded clips in a predefined folder. You can change this folder in the Folder for Archives

Also, you can define how to name the video files in the File Name box. File name may include parameters like
time: {hh:nn}, camera number: {CAMERA}, or index: {COUNTER} enclosed in the braces {}. See more info
about parameters in the time formatting macros topic in the Captions section.

Format of Archive files

Select a video format which will be used to record and playback video files.

AWLive (ReCam Video Format) is used in the ReCam program only. These video files can be played only on
computers where ReCam is installed. Instead of using standard video formats like AVI and MPEG, this video
format provides encryption and password protection that all video and audio information in a password protected
file is scrambled and the file can be played with a valid password only. Click the Additional Settings button to
change these options.

AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave and it is defined by Microsoft


. The most common AVI problem: if viewer's

computer doesn't have a codec to decode AVI file, it pops up an error message and doesn't show video. You can
use the AVI format if you are sure that the viewer's computer has the appropriate codec to decode the AVI file.
Click the Additional Settings button to change the AVI codec and its options. During playback, the video quality
depends on the selected video codec and its quality setting. Experiment with each video codec and quality
setting to obtain a satisfactory recording. The trade off of having better quality is a larger video file size.

MPEG is an ISO/IEC standard being developed by MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) is for compressing
sound and movie files for downloading across the Internet. All modern Internet browsers support the MPEG

Recording Sound with Video

If the Record Sound check-box is selected, the recorded video file will contain audio as well as recorded video.
This greatly increases the file size.

Continue recording when maximum file size or minimum disk space exceeds.

When the Record button is pressed and the maximum file size or minimum disk space is exceeded the program
closes the video file and stops the recording. If you want the program to continue recording, click to select the
Create new file and continue recording when max. file size or min. disk space exceeds check box. In this
case, the program closes the video file but creates a new one and doesn't stop the recording.

Uploading Recorded Video to FTP server

Click to select the FTP Upload Archives check box to cause the program to upload recorded video files to FTP
server right after its creation.

Click to select the Rename uploaded file to box and specify a file name if you want the program to rename the