Mobi Technologies 70008 Recam Remote Monitoring User Manual

Page 27

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Do not send more than one email during

Enter number of seconds, which specifies highest frequency of message sending.

Attach Images to Email

Click to select the Attach Images to Email check box if you want the e-mail message to contain images of the

Message Priority

Select the priority of e-mail message.

Play Sound

Click to select the Play Sound check box to make an alert sound when motion is detected.

Launch a Program

Click to select the Launch a Program check box to start a program when motion is detected.

Record Video Clip

Click to select the Record to Archive File check box to have ReCam record a video file when motion is detected.

Specify the video clip length in the Record Duration box. If there was a motion during the recording time, the
program continues recording. The recording stops if there was no motion during the Record Duration period.

Recorded video clips can be uploaded on FTP server right after their creation. Click to select the FTP Upload box
if you want the recorded file to be uploaded to web server.

Click the FTP Settings button to set up FTP parameters.

Pop-Up the Program Window

Click to select the Pop-Up Program's Window check box if you want the program to be on the top of other
programs when a motion has been detected. This feature can be useful in conjunction with a sound playing in that
you have a video reminder, which makes sound and pops up on the computer screen when somebody walks in
front of your camera.

Create Motion Snapshots

Click to select the Create Snapshots check box to have ReCam record video file when motion is detected.

Specify time period of snapshots produced in the Stop After box. If there was a motion during the generation
time, the program continues the snapshots creation. The creation stops if there was no motion during this period
of time.

Click the Additional Settings button to change the following parameters:

File Name - the program saves incrementally named JPEG images under the file name specified in this box. Use
the {COUNTER} tag in the file name as a place-holder for the counter value.

If you specify full path in the File Name box, snapshots are saved under this file name, otherwise they are saved
in the Gallery folder.

Frame Rate - use this box to set the how many snapshots created per second, per minute, or per hour.

Click to select the Reset counter to the Start Index when the snapshots creation starts box if you want the
counter to be set to the start value every time when new snapshots sequence begins.

The Upload Snapshots check box causes the program to upload snapshots to the FTP server. Click the FTP
button to set up FTP parameters.

Click to select the When the snapshots creation starts, make new sub-folder box if you want the program to
create new sub-folder on the FTP server every time when new snapshots sequence begins. The folder name may
include parameters like time: {hh:nn}, camera number: {CAMERA}, or current motion value: {MOTION} enclosed
in the braces {}. See more info about parameters in the time formatting macros topic in the Captions section.