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Setpoint offset. The ON/OFF setpoint control action can be programmed to occur with a

specified offset. For instance, if bags are to be filled to 100 lbs and the material delivery
spout is known to hold and dispense an additional 2.5 lbs following shut-off, an offset of -2.5
lbs can be programmed. The setpoint can then be set to 100 lbs, and the filling valve will be
automatically shut off when the measured weight reaches 97.5 lbs.

Dribble factor. On/off setpoint control action can be programmed to occur with a specified

offset. For instance, if bags are to be filled to 100 lbs and the material delivery spout is
known to hold and dispense an additional 2.5 lbs following shut-off, an offset of -2.5 lbs can
be programmed. The setpoint can then be set to 100 lbs, and the filling valve will be
automatically shut off when the measured weight reaches 97.5 lbs.

Count-by function. The weight meter can be programmed so that the display is rounded off

to multiples of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 or 1000. For example, if count-by 10 is
selected, the meter will display 20 for an internal count of 15 to 24.

Fixed dummy right-hand zero. The display can be shifted to the left for a fixed zero to the

right, allowing values up to 999,990 to be displayed.

Auto-zero function. An auto-zero limit from 0 to 9 counts can be programmed to compen-

sate for load cell drift. Whenever the meter comes to rest within that limit from zero, it will
auto-zero. It will auto-tare to display zero with a slowly drifting input. Entering 0 disables

Two tare functions: auto-tare and manual tare. In auto-tare, a control input line is grounded
by an external pushbutton. This causes the current weight, which is normally the empty weight
of the container to be stored in memory as an offset. In manual tare, the tare value can be
entered manually via the front panel or a computer. For instance, the tare value may be the
stated empty weight of a truck or rail car. Pressing the Reset button on the front panel toggles
the display between gross weight (total weight on the scale) and net weight (gross weight with
tare subtracted).