Shape for maq, 20 software, Redaq – Impulse MAQ20 User Manual

Page 7: Shape toolbox tools, 20 functions, Dimensional drawings

background image

Dataforth offers ReDAQ


Shape for MAQ



software as the easiest and most efficient devel-
opment tool for use with the MAQ


20 Industrial

Data Acquisition and Control System. This out-of-
the-box software enables users to create, save,
and open graphical user interface projects for test,
process, data collection and data analysis applica-
tions. Built-in functions in the Acquire and Analyze
panels are pre-configured and can be used with-
out setup. Just three easy steps are required to
create data acquisition and control projects using
18 high quality tools and powerful MAQ


20 func-

tions. These projects are developed and executed
in the software’s Presentation panel.



Shape for MAQ


20 software also

provides the most effective way to configure and
customize MAQ


20 functions for specific applica-

tion requirements. The toolbox tools are easily
moved, re-sized, cut, copied, pasted, and deleted.

The main screen of ReDAQ


Shape for MAQ



shows a representation of the system inclusive
of the communication module and any installed
I/O modules. This graphic is updated as I/O mod-
ules are added to or removed from the system.
Modules can be given unique identifiers, and I/O
module channels can be assigned tag names to
represent process variables they control. These

identifiers and tag names are propagated
throughout the software anytime these modules
and signals are used.

In contrast to other graphical software environ-
ments, ReDAQ


Shape for MAQ


20 software

has a very short user-learning curve. It is
based on programming tools incorporated from
Microsoft Visual Studio


and National Instruments

Measurement Studio


, ensuring its ease of use

and integrated, across-the-board applicability for
data acquisition and control applications.



Shape Toolbox Tools

– Button
– Picture Box
– Text Box
– Group Box
– Label
– Switch
– Numeric Edit
– Thermometer



20 Functions

– Continuous and burst scan modes
– Automatically scales data from counts to engineering units
– Discrete I/O offers special functions: pulse/frequency counter, pulse/frequency counter

with de-bounce, waveform measurement, time between events, frequency generator,
PWM generator, and one-shot pulse generator

– Customer user tag name for any input and output
– Control loop and alarm output
– Three function timer (count-down, 24hr/day, or day/time) with 10 programmable events

– Slide
– Tank
– Gage
– Meter
– Knob
– Chart Recorder
– Oscilloscope
– XY Plot
– Discrete Waveform Graph



Shape for MAQ


20 Software




Dimensional Drawings