CTI Products GPIO General Purpose I/O Interface User Manual

Page 25

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GPIO Hardware Reference


CTI Products, Inc.


The last state of Magnetically-
Latched relays is not held on
power-up or reset

Check Option Switch 4. If it is up, the GPIO
will initialize this state based upon Switch 3.
See Table 6 – Initial State on Reset.

Set Switches 3 & 4 Down and reset the unit.

The last state of Magnetically-
Latched relays is held on
power-up, but a known state is

Check Option Switch 4. If it is down, the
GPIO will power-up using the previous state.
If you need it to power-up in a known state
(OFF or ON), set the proper state on Switches
3 & 4 and reset the unit. See "Table 6 – Initial
State on Reset
" f
or details.

The PC shows the receivers
from this GPIO module as

Check the MCN cabling.
Also, check that the GPIO address and the
address listed for the module in the PC
database match.

In an engineered system (with routers and/or
EXB modules) the PC may have an improper
address or the module might be installed on
the wrong MCN sub-network. Check the
custom system documentation for the proper
settings and connections.

The ACT LED is off

This is an indication that a PC is not
communicating with this module. See the
“Offline” problem above.
