1 initializing the relays, Initializing the relays – CTI Products GPIO General Purpose I/O Interface User Manual

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GPIO Hardware Reference

Option Switches & Jumpers

CTI Products, Inc.


Initializing the Relays

Magnetically-Latched relays in the GPIO will retain their state when power is off.
The initial state of relays after power-up will be all ON or all OFF.

If the relays come up in a random pattern when the power is initially applied, it is
probably because the relays were jarred during transport or installation.

To initialize the relays to the ON state:

1. Set switches as follows:





2. Press the Reset Switch down and wait for 2 seconds.
3. The magnetically-latched relays should go into the ON State.

All the output LEDs should be ON.

4. Set switches as follows:

3 Down

4 Down

5. Press the Reset Switch down and wait for 2 seconds.
6. The magnetically-latched relays should STAY in the ON State.

All the output LEDs should be ON.

To initialize the relays to the OFF state:

1. Set switches as follows:

3 Down

4 Up.

2. Press the Reset Switch down and wait for 2 seconds.
3. The magnetically-latched relays should go into the OFF State.

All the output LEDs should be OFF.

4. Set switches as follows:

3 Down

4 Down

5. Press the Reset Switch down and wait for 2 seconds.
6. The magnetically-latched relays should STAY in the OFF State.

All the output LEDs should be OFF.

This procedure assumes that you want the magnetically-latched relays to maintain
the last state on power-up. If you want the magnetically-latched relays to always
start up in the ON State or OFF State, use the appropriate switch settings from
Table 6 in steps 4 above.
