CNB SDF1212 User Manual
Page 36

Figure 5.2.1. Archive search list screen
4. Select and display one of the files on the screen in the archived list by using the UP, DOWN and SEL
Figure 5.2.2. USB Storage device selection screen
5. Select one of USB storage devices.
6. Press the ARCHIVE button to transfer the data to the USB storage devices.
If there is no enough
space in the USB storage device, the DVR will popup the message that there is no space in the USB
storage device.
During the backup, the DVR will operate in Simplex
If there is proper COCDEC installed in PC, it is possible that the backup data can
not be playbecked. In case of that the backup data in USB device is not properly
play backed in multi-media S/W Oon PC, user need to install ‘ffswhow’ CODEC that
supplied on Network Client S/W CD.