Clear-Com TW-60 User Manual
Page 16

T W - 6 0 P U B L I C S A F E T Y R A D I O I N T E R F A C E
2 - 6
channels. The transmit indicator on the base station radios (if any) on these
channels should also illuminate.
8. Now verify that when any remote radio is keyed, the others can all hear the
transmission. To avoid feedback, it is helpful to have the remote radios some
distance away or in another room. The Transmit Level controls on the TW 40
adjust the volume to the remote radios. If the audio heard on any remote radio
is too loud or too weak, adjust the Transmit Level control for that radio on its
associated TW-60 channel. While speaking on the remote radio, the Transmit
Level LED on the other channels should be flashing green with some
occasional red. You may need to adjust the Setup Switches on the
transmitting channel to set the audio signal to the level needed by the mic
circuit of that radio. Adjust switches 2 and 3 as described in Table 3.
9. You should now be able to communicate from any remote radio to the other
remote radios. Pressing the talk key on each remote transmitter should key any
other base station transmitter channels in the same group. Note whether the
key up time of any given channel prevents the first words from being received.
If the first words are missed on any channel(s), turn the Transmit Delay
Switch for that channel to add more audio delay. Adjust for the minimum
delay that consistently transmits the first words promptly and correctly. For
trunking radio systems which have an inconsistent delay that varies depending
upon conditions, set the Transmit Delay Switch to Auto.
10.If there are other TW-60 units in the system, program each one using the
above steps. When all have been programmed, verify that any radio channel
on any TW-60 can be retransmitted onto all of the other channels on all of
the TW-60 units.