Configuration functions – Burkert Type 8056 User Manual
Page 24

1.1 Insert ND (diameter size) of sensor (0-3000mm)
1.2 Calibration data of sensor visualized on sensor label
1.3 Sensor model: enter the first two characters of the sensor serial number (see sensor label)
1.4 Factory parameters
1.5 Enables the empty pipe detection feature
1.7* Value of sensibility for empty pipe detection
1.8* Enables the automatic zero calibration system
1.6* Electrodes cleaning
2.1* Full scale value set for range N.1
2.2* Full scale value set for range N.2
2.3* Unit of measure and number of decimal totalizes
2.4* Pulse value on output 1
2.6* Duration of the pulse generated on output 1
2.7* Duration of the pulse generated on output 2
2.8 Specific gravity set in kg/dm³ (enable only if FS1 or FS2 are weigh/time)
2.5* Pulse value on output 2
4.1 Maximum value alarm set for direct flow rate
4.2 Maximum value alarm set for reverse flow rate
4.3 Minimum value alarm set for direct flow rate
4.4 Minimum value alarm set for reverse flow rate
4.5 Hysteresis threshold set for the minimum and maximum flow rate alarms
4.6* Current output value in case of failure
4.7* Batch safety timer
(functions with access code < 3, those with symbol “*” see next section)
Functions in grey colour are visualized on display only with other active functions or with optional modules
3.3* Main frequency filter
3.4 Enable every hour an internal cycle of calibration. The measure is stopped for 8-15 s
3.5* Automatic change of measurement range
3.2 Low flow cut off threshold: 0-25% of full scale value
3.1* Measure filter
5.9* Functions assigned to input 2 (automatically disabled if OUT3 is enabled)
5.10* Functions assigned to input 3 (automatically disabled if OUT4 is enabled)
5.2* Partial direct (positive) flow totalizer reset enable
5.3 Reset totalizer of pulse from digital input (see page 13)
5.4 Totalizer counting lock command (see page 13)
5.6* Autozero calibration external command
5.8 Batch start/stop external command (see batch functions)
5.7 Range change external command (see pos. 3.5)
Functions assigned
on input 1
5.1* Total direct (positive) flow totalizer reset enable
5.5* Block measures command