Table 23.1: plug-ins display information – Avocent DSView 3 User Manual
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Chapter 23: Plug-ins 321
To display information about one plug-in, click the plug-in name. The Plug-in overview
window will open.
Information in the Overview area is read-only.
The DSView Servers table lists the status of the plug-in on each DSView 3 server. Each row
includes the name of the server and the plug-in version plus the administrative and operational
status of the plug-in on that server.
Table 23.1: Plug-ins Display Information
Plug-in name, acquired from the plug-in.
Plug-in version (on this server), acquired from the plug-in when it was added
or upgraded.
Overall Status
Same - The plug-in’s operational status, administrative status and version is the
same on all DSView 3 servers.
Mixed - The plus-in’s operational status, administrative status and version is not
the same on all DSView 3 servers.
Administrative Status
Administrative status on this server. Valid values are:
DSView server not responding - (This value is valid only when a single plug-in
has been selected.) The DSView 3 software could not obtain plug-in status on
this server.
To examine server status, click the System tab, then DSView Server in the top
navigation bar. If you are on a hub server, click Spoke Servers in the side
navigation bar and then select the appropriate server. If you are on a spoke
server, click Hub Server in the side navigation bar.
Replication needed - The plug-in has been added, but replication is required
before the plug-in can be used.
Active - The plug-in is registered and operational.
Disabled - The plug-in has been disabled.
Not installed - The plug-in has not been added to this server. If the DSView 3
software can obtain information from the status service about this plug-in (from
other servers where it is installed), the Name field will contain the plug-in’s
name. If the status service does not provide this information, the Name field will
contain the plug-in’s domain and ID.
Operational Status
Operational status on this server. Valid values are:
Inactive - The plug-in is not running.
Active - The plug-in is running.
Initializing - The plug-in is starting up.
Shutting down - The plug-in is stopping.
Upgrading - The plug-in is in the upgrade process.
Detailed Operational
Status *
Detailed status acquired from the plug-in.