Analog Way Di-VentiX II User Manual
Page 63

Softedge curve explanations & adjustments:
--> The operation consist of attenuate progressively the light diffused of one projector and in the same time
increase symmetrically the light of the other one. Thus, at any point (X) of the covering area, the sum of
light (Y1+Y2) provided by each projector must be equal to the light that would be provided by one projec-
tor alone.
The luminance curves of each projector are represented as follow:
--> In the software we represent the curve of one projector only: the device automatically calculate the inver-
ted curve for the other projector of the covering area.
Right projector
Left projector
Display your background source or
display the grey scale pattern (horizontal
grey scale pattern for horizontal softedge
and vertical grey scale pattern for vertical
Soft Edge) available in the output tab.
11-B) Click on the SE Curves tab and click on
the Enable Softedge button to activate
the attenuation. The default value of
the softedge curves is also applied. The
covering area may appear brighter or
darker than the other areas of the screen.
11-C) Adjust the Softedge Curve in order to have a uniform image:
Move the 2 points of a curve by clicking on the arrows in the Bezier tab or directly by clicking-hold on
a point and drag.