CEMB USA K10_2 (E) User Manual
Page 12
I 0581 -
5.4.1 - SPLIT function (unbalance spread)
The SPLIT function is used to position the adhesive weights behind the wheel spokes so that they are not visible. This
function should be used only in the case of static unbalance or where the hidden adhesive weight is to be applied on the
outside. Input the wheel dimensions and do a spin.
Start the SPLIT function as follows:
Example of display prior to SPLIT function
- Place the wheel in the outside unbalance correction position.
- Set one of the top spokes (preferably the one to the left of the
unbalance) to 12 o’clock.
- Press the button
- Follow the UP/DOWN indication of the positioning LEDs and
set the second top spoke to 12 o’clock.
- Press button
- Set the fi rst split unbalance to correction position 1
- Correction position 1
- Set the second split unbalance to correction position 2
- Correction position 2
To return to normal unbalance display, press any button.
To perform a new spin, subsequently press the button
N.B.: If error 24 is displayed, repeat the SPLIT function ensuring that the minimum distance between the
spokes is greater than 18 degrees. If error 25 is displayed,repeat the split function ensuring that the
maximum distance between the spikes is smaller than 120 degrees.