Bray Triad Series User Manual
Page 7

Installation and Maintenance Manual
Triad Series Ball Valves
Date: August 2011 / Page 7 of 7
A Subsidiary of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
Tel: 832.912.2300
© 2011 Flow-Tek, Inc.
8323 N. Eldridge Pkwy #100
Fax: 832.912.2301
Houston, Texas 77041
12. Short and Long Term Storage
Short term:
1. Short term storage is defined as storage of prod-
ucts and equipment to be used in the construction
of a project for periods of one to three months.
2. Ball valves should remain in the original shipping
containers be placed on pallets of wood or other
suitable materials. End protectors should remain
on the valve ends to prevent the entrance of dirt.
3. Valves should be stored in the open position to
protect the ball and seats.
4. Storage of ball valves can be in an open un-
covered area provided provisions are made
for inclement weather such as tarps or sheeting.
Valves with electric actuators shall be stored under
cover until ready for installation.
Long term:
1. Long term storage is storage of products and/or
equipment for periods of three months or more.
2. Valves should be stored in the open position to
protect the ball and seats.
3. Ball valves should remain in the original shipping
containers placed on pallets of wood or other
suitable materials and stored indoors. End protec-
tors should remain on the valve ends to prevent
the entrance of dirt. The storage environment
should be dry and not have severe swings in
temperature and humidity.
13. Safety Summary
1. Read completely and understand all instruc-
tions provided prior to beginning installation or
2. Follow all instructions as described using the
correct tools for the job.
3. Before installing this equipment, confirm that it
is suitable for the intended service. The identi-
fications tags describe the maximum allowable
service conditions for this product.
4. Be sure that the installation is protected by ap-
propriate pressure control and safety devices to
ensure that acceptable limits are not exceeded.
5. Confirm that line pressure has been removed
and that there is no pressure trapped within the
valve prior to beginning service. Do not attempt
to remove any packing components or other fit-
tings before confirming that pressure has been
completely removed!
6. Do not begin service work without proper tools
and protective safety measures.
7. The work area should be clear of obstructions
and other safety hazards.