Atec StanhopeSeta-Avcount2 User Manual

Seta avcount2 particle counter

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Seta AvCount2 Particle Counter

IP 565:

Determination of the level of cleanliness of aviation turbine fuel - Portable automatic particle counter method

ASTM D7619:

Standard Test Method for Counting and Sizing Particles in Light and Middle Distillate Fuels and Liquid Bio

Fuels by Automatic Particle Counter

ASTM D975; Defence Standard (DEF STAN) 91-91 & 91-86

Other standards include: ISO 4406 (1991 & 1999 issues),

GOST 17216, NAS 1638, SAE AS4059E, SAE A6D, SAE 749D, GB 5930, GJB 420-1987, GJB 420-A-1996, GJB 420B-2006