T-2500se on autotester load board – Atec Thermonics-T-2500SE User Manual
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T-2500SE on
Load Board
Easy PM and Calibration
Thermonics’ Precision Temperature Forcing Systems
are field proven for durability, performance and relia-
bility. The system can be relied upon for use in
around-the-clock production environments.
Maximum up time is achieved with a modular design
that promotes quick and easy implementation of pre-
ventive maintenance activities. Calibration of the sys-
tem is facilitated by a series of software screens that
guide you through the procedure in a systematic
manner. In addition, diagnostics screens that report
system malfunctions in an easy to understand format
assist with servicing of the system.
Precise Temperature Control
A patented, proprietary temperature control algorithm provides the most accelerated and precise temperature control of any avail-
able temperature forcing system. Physical integration to the DUT is accomplished with the interface kit which includes thermal
caps and a shroud assembly. Coupled with the system’s high airflow - and cold boost feature, test temperatures are achieved effi-
ciently and economically; making the T-2500SE the optimal system for testing semiconductor packages, hybrids, modules, MCMs,
PCBs, and small subassemblies. Examples of typical semiconductor packages that the system can accommodate include PLCC,
DIP, LCC, PGA, SOP, QFP, and others. Custom thermal fixtures are available to provide a controlled temperature environment for
testing larger modules.
Full ATE Compatibility
Remote operation of the system is accom-
plished with RS-232C and IEEE-488.2 inter-
faces. A library of remote communication
commands enable easy configuration, monitor-
ing, and actuation of critical setup and operat-
ing parameters; such as temperature set points
and soak times; from any remote computer or
terminal. A standard ATE interface providing
start test, end of test, and class signals is pro-
vided to assure full ATE compatibility which
includes the ability to communicate with all
main ATE and Rack and Stack test systems.
A Test Enterprises Company