Atec TektronixCSA7404 User Manual
Page 9

Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Communication Signal Analyzers
CSA7000 Series
Timeout – Trigger on an event which remains
high, low, or either, for a specified time period,
selectable from 1 ns to 1 s with 200 ps resolution.
Transition – Trigger on pulse edge rates that are
faster or slower than specified. Slope may be posi-
tive, negative or either.
Setup/Hold – Trigger on violations of both setup
time and hold time between clock and data present
on any two input channels.
Pattern – Trigger when pattern goes false or stays
true for specified period of time. Pattern (AND, OR,
NAND, NOR) specified for four input channels
defined as HIGH, LOW or Don’t Care.
State – Any logical pattern of channels (1, 2, 3)
clocked by edge on channel 4. Trigger on rising
or falling clock edge.
Trigger Delay by Time – Trigger Delay by Time
16 ns to 250 seconds.
Trigger Delay by Events – Trigger Delay by Events
1 to 10,000,000 Events.
Waveform Measurements
Amplitude – Amplitude, High, Low, Maximum,
Minimum, Peak-to-Peak, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS,
Cycle RMS, Positive Overshoot, Negative Overshoot.
Time – Rise time, Fall time, Positive Width,
Negative Width, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty
Cycle, Period, Frequency, Delay.
Combination – Area, Cycle Area, Phase,
Burst Width.
Histogram-related – Waveform count, Hits in box,
Peak hits, Median, Maximum, Minimum, Peak-to-
Peak, Mean (µ), Standard Deviation (
), µ+1
, µ+3
Eye Pattern-related – Extinction Ratio (absolute,
% and dB), Eye Height, Eye Top, Eye Base, Eye
Width, Crossing %, Jitter (peak-to-peak, RMS and
), Noise (peak-to-peak and RMS), S/N ratio,
Cycle Distortion, Q-factor.
Waveform Processing/Math
Algebraic Expressions – Define extensive
algebraic expressions including waveforms,
scalars and results of parametric measurements
e.g., (Integral (Ch. 1-Meas(Ch. 1))*1.414.
Arithmetic – Add, subtract, multiply, divide
waveforms and scalars.
Relational – Boolean result of comparison >, <,
, ==, !=.
Calculus – Integrate, differentiate.
Frequency Domain Functions – Spectral magnitude
and phase, real and imaginary spectra.
Vertical Units –
Magnitude: Linear, dB, dBm.
Phase: Degrees, Radians.
Window Functions – Rectangular, Hamming,
Hanning, Kaiser-Bessel, Blackman-Harris,
Gaussian, Flattop2, Tek Exponential.
Waveform Definitions – Waveform definition
as arbitrary math expressions.
Display Characteristics
Display Type – Liquid crystal active-matrix color
display; integral touch screen.
Display Size – 211.2 mm (W) x 158.4 mm (H),
264 mm (10.4 in.) diagonal.
Display Resolution – 640 horizontal x 480
vertical pixels.
Waveform Styles – Vectors, Dots, Variable
Persistence, Infinite Persistence.
Computer System
and Peripherals
CPU – 850 MHz Celeron Processor.
PC System Memory – 512 MB.
Hard Disk Drive – Rear-panel, removable hard
disk drive, 20 GB capacity.
Floppy Disk Drive – Front-panel 3.5 in. floppy disk
drive, 1.44 MB capacity.
CD-RW Drive – Rear-panel CD-RW drive.
Mouse – Logitech thumb wheel model included,
USB interface.
Keyboard –
Order 118-9402-00 for small keyboard
(fits in pouch); PS-2 interface.
Order 119-6297-00 for full-size keyboard;
USB interface and hub.
Input/Output Ports
Probe Compensation Output – Front-panel BNC
connector, requires Probe Cal-Deskew Fixture
(included) for probe attachment. 400 mV ±20% into
>10 k
load (V
=2 V, V
=1.6 V typical). 200 mV
±20% into a 50
load (V
=1 V, V
=0.8 typical).
Recovered Clock Out – Front-panel SMA connec-
tor provides output of clock signal recovered from
specified channel. Output compatible with ECL
terminated with 50
to GND. Peak-to-peak output
swing at 650 MHz is at least 200 mV into 50
Higher frequencies will be further attenuated by
approximately 6 dB per octave above 625 MHz.
Recovered Data Out – Front-panel SMA connector
provides regenerated data output from clock recov-
ery system. Serial data output baud rate
MBaud. Output swing at this baud rate will be at
least 200 mV into 50
Optical In – Optoelectronic converter input,
700 nm to 1650 nm, Rifocs connector.
O/E Output – Front-panel BMA connector providing
electrical output of optoelectronic converter. SMA
adapter included.
Analog Signal Output Amplitude – Rear-panel
BNC connector, provides a buffered version of the
signal that is attached to the Channel 3 input when
Channel 3 is selected as trigger source. Frequency
response: 1 GHz into a 50
load. Amplitude:
20 mV/div ±20% into a 1 M
load, 10 mV/div
±20% into a 50
Auxiliary Output – Rear-panel BNC connector,
provides a TTL-compatible, polarity switchable
pulse when the oscilloscope triggers or optionally,
upon mask test failure or test completion.
External Timebase Reference In – Rear-panel
BNC connector, timebase system can phase-lock
to external 10 MHz reference.
Timebase Reference Out – Rear-panel BNC
connector, provides TTL-compatible output of
internal 10 MHz reference oscillator.
Parallel Port – IEEE 1284, DB-25 connector.
Audio Ports – Miniature phone jacks for stereo
microphone input and stereo line output.
USB Port – Allows connection or disconnection
of USB keyboard, mouse or other peripherals while
oscilloscope power is on.
Keyboard Port – PS-2 compatible.
Mouse Port – PS-2 compatible.
LAN Port – RJ-45 connector, supports 10Base-T
and 100Base-T.
Serial Port – DB-9 COM1 port.
SVGA Video Port – DB-15 female connector;
connect a second monitor to use dual-monitor
display mode. Supports Basic requirements of
PC99 specifications.
GPIB Port – IEEE 488.2 standard.
Scope VGA Video Port – DB-15 female connector,
31.6 kHz sync, EIA RS-343A compliant, connect to
show the oscilloscope display, including live
waveforms on an external monitor or projector.
Power Source
Power –
100 to 240 V
, ±10%, 50/60 Hz CAT II.
115 V
±10%, 400 Hz CAT II.
<300 Watts (450 VA).