Atec TektronixCSA7404 User Manual
Csa7000 series

Features & Benefits
Down to 100 ps Rise Time
Real-time Oscilloscope
Up to 4 GHz Bandwidth
for Accurate Signal
Up to 2.5 Gbps Optical
and Electrical Serial
Data Stream Rates
Built-in Compliance Mask
Tests Supporting a Wide
Range of Telecom and
Datacom Standards
Broad Wavelength
Optical Response
Increases Versatility
Integrated Optical Reference
Receiver Protects Integrity
of System Calibration
Integrated Clock Recovery
Provides Single-connection
32-Bit Serial Trigger
for Isolation of Pattern-
dependent Effects
Complete Eye Pattern
Measurements Suite Including
Extinction Ratio, Q-factor, Eye
Height/Width, Jitter and Noise
Waveform Database
Acquisition Technology
for Accurate Parametric
Measurements on
Eye Patterns
10 MHz Timebase
Reference Input for
Enhanced Synchronization
and Repeatability
Up to 20 GS/s Real-time
Sample Rate
More than 400,000 wfms/sec
Waveform Capture Rate
Interface for
Convenient, High Bandwidth
Signal Connection
MultiView Zoom for Quick
Navigation of Long Records
Open Access to the Windows
Operating Environment
Design Development and
Compliance Testing of
Optical and Electrical Signals
Physical Layer
Characterization of
Communication Signals
in Backplane, Midplane
and Embedded Designs
Optical and Electrical Signal
Integrity, Margin Verification,
Jitter and Timing Analysis
C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S i g n a l A n a l y z e r s
CSA7000 Series
Versatile, High-performance Real-time Digital
Oscilloscopes Dedicated to Rapid Design
Analysis and Verification of Communications
Signals Up To 2.5 Gbps Rates (OC-48/STM-16
or Fibre Channel FC2125)
The CSA7404 Communications Signal Analyzer performs mask testing and signal analysis for
optical and electrical communications signals at rates up to OC-48 /STM-16; 2.5 Gbps.
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
The CSA7000 Series of Communications
Signal Analyzers reduces product develop-
ment time by providing one tool that spans
circuit development and physical layer testing.
With the CSA7000 Series, engineers can
test designs for compliance to network
communications standards as well as analyze
critical internal parameters such as signal
integrity, timing margins and jitter.
The CSA7000 Series analyzers integrate
broad wavelength optical response, clock
recovery, serial pattern triggering and mask
testing into the highest performance digital
phosphor oscilloscopes. Instrument opera-
tion is familiar and intuitive through direct
controls and a graphical interface. Open
access to the Windows operating system
enables unprecedented customization and
extensibility. This unique combination of
performance, simplicity and connectivity
speeds the development of network com-
munications circuit designs.
Superior Performance
Industry Leading DPO
Up to 4 GHz bandwidth and high-speed
single-shot signal acquisition combined
with up to 32 MB memory provide critical
insight into design behavior. In addition,
patented 3rd generation DPX
enables waveform capture rates of more
than 400,000 waveforms per second.
High performance jitter analysis is achieved
through exceptional trigger and acquisition
performance, deep memory and applied
software. Versatile high bandwidth probes,
including 6 GHz single-ended and 5 GHz
differential models ensure high fidelity
access to signals.