Descriptions – Atec Tektronix-WVR500 User Manual
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WVR500 Waveform/Vector Monitor Service Manual
The second column of the two column format contains all of the descriptive
material about the listed characteristic. In addition, the performance verification
procedure step number, used to verify the characteristic, is also in this column.
Because this instrument is designed to operate on both PAL and NTSC stan-
dards, some of the tolerances are defined in millivolts and IRE units. In these
dual-value tolerances, the PAL values appear in parentheses.
Performance Requirements (Req). Items with this designation are critical to
instrument performance. In most cases they have a tolerance given and have a
performance verification step number accompanying them. However, there are a
few areas where instrument operation verifies that this performance requirement
is met.
Reference Information (RI). This is information about the operation of the
instrument that is important enough to place it with the performance require-
ments. In some cases there may be a tolerance listed, but these should be
considered as typical, not absolute.
Performance Verification Step. This item identifies the step number of the
Performance Verification procedure, located in Section 4, which tests the listed
requirement. Section 5 contains calibration information, if instrument readjust-
ment becomes necessary.
Table 1–1: Vertical deflection system
Deflection Factor
Req: 1 V Full Scale: 1 V input displayed within 1% of 140 IRE (1.0 V PAL).
Flat filter selected.
Req: X5 Gain: Gain Accuracy
1 V input signal.
Req: X5 Gain Registration:
1 major division of vertical shift from baseline between
unmagnified and magnified signal.
Req: Variable Gain Range: Input signals between 0.8 V and 2 V can be adjusted to
140 IRE (1.0 V PAL) display. 160 mV and 400 mV for X5 Gain.
Req: Position Range: 1 V signal can be positioned so that peak white and sync tip can
be placed at blanking level, with the DC Restorer Clamp on, regardless of gain