Atec Frankonia-MTS-800 User Manual
Atec Equipment

The MTS-800 is a compact test system for broadband gener-
ation and measurement of magnetic fields. Its internal com-
ponents allow automatic EMC tests according to automotive
standards where high field strength need to be generated
or measured.
In combination with our triaxial Helmholtz coils full au-
tomated susceptibility tests are possible at magnetic field
strength up to 1000 A/m for frequencies from DC to 1 kHz.
Lower field strength can be generated for frequencies up to
250 kHz. Due to the triaxial set-up of our Helmholtz coil
major improvement in device handling is achieved because
there is no need to turn an EUT during tests.
The MTS-800 complies to all magnetic field requirements of
relevant EMC and military standards.
Tests and measurements are controlled by a program which
will set most parameter automatically. For any relevant
standard, which are fulfilled by the MTS-800, limit values
are already included into the software package, although
any different value can be defined by a user. After every test
full reports will be created automatically. Report layout is
pre-defined, though any user-defined layout is possible.
High performance is guaranteed by a self-calibration process
which utilizes an internal source as reference.
Special Features:
• Frequency range for emission and immunity measurements:
DC – 250 kHz
• 800W precision power amplifier, signal generator and
spectrum analyzer in one compact unit
• All instruments may as well be used as stand-alone devices
• Powerful but easy to operate software, fully expandable
for future standards modifications
• Standard software allows easy operation, report generation
and integration of external measuring instrument for EUT
• Prepared for connection of external multimeter for EUT control
• Fully automated tests with triaxial Helmholtz coil. Software
controlled generation of magnetic field in x-, y- and
z- direction; no need to turn the EUT!
• Large variety of extensive accessories available
800W precision
power amplifier
Spectrum An
Signal Gener
According to
IEC/EN 55103-1/2, IEC/EN 61000-4-16, IEC/EN 61000-4-8,
SAE J1113-22, ISO 11452-8,
MIL-STD-461E (CE101, RE101, CS101, CS109 and RS101),
Automotive manufacturer standards
Magnetic-Field Test System / Low-Frequency Test System
for Emission and Immunity Tests / MTS-800
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