Atec Panametrics-Olympus-PT868 User Manual

Page 4

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and stored in PC memory.
You can also export data to
spreadsheets, word processors,
database management, or
other software packages for
graphing, reporting, or for fur-
ther analysis. In addition, since
it provides access to virtually all
TransPort flowmeter keyboard
functions, IDM lets you operate
your flowmeter remotely from
your PC. See the IDM data sheet
for details.













TransPort flowmeter comes with
a built-in rechargeable battery
pack and a charger/power
supply for AC power operation
and recharging. Three charger/
power supplies, each with a


connector (to the Trans-

Port flowmeter), are available:
100 to 130 VAC with American
wall plug; 200 to 260 VAC with
European wall plug, and 240
VAC with U.K. wall plug. An
external battery pack, with a
120- or 240-VAC charger, power
cable, and carrying case is
available for long-term battery
operation. In addition, an
external battery charger, the
FC-12, is available to charge
a separate spare battery pack
in two to three hours.

The TransPort Flowmeter

Offers Two Modes To Ensure

Accurate Measurements.

The TransPort Flowmeter is the
only ultrasonic flowmeter
available with two measure-
ment technologies built-in
so you can measure flow in
fluids from ultraclean water
to aerated liquids, oil-water-
sand mixtures, and even
raw sewage.

The transit-time tech-

nique uses a pair of trans-
ducers with each transdu-
cer sending and receiving
coded ultrasonic signals
through the fluid. When the
fluid is flowing, signal transit
time in the downstream
direction is shorter than in
the upstream direction; the
difference between these
transit times is proportional
to the flow velocity. The Trans-
Port flowmeter measures
this time difference and uses
programmed pipe param-

TransFlection flow
measurement technique.

eters to determine flow
rate and direction.

The TransFlection tech-

nique also uses two ultra-
sonic transducers, but that’s
where the similarity to the
transit-time technique ends.
TransFlection mode uses one
transducer to shoot thou-
sands of grouped ultrasonic
pulses in very rapid succes-
sion. The pulses bounce off
scatterers in the fluid (bub-
bles, solids, or liquid droplets)
and are received by the
other transducer. Each re-
ceived pulse group repre-
sents a “snapshot” of the flow.
By comparing all snapshots,
objects that do not “appear”
to move with the flow are
averaged out of the meas-
urement of the TransPort
flowmeter then determines
flow rate and direction by
analyzing the movement
of the remaining objects in
successive snapshots.




Type II printer.

Transit-time flow
measurement technique.

Flowmeter Transducers



Ultrasonic Signal Path

Flowmeter Transducers



Ultrasonic Signal Path