Epoch xt specifications, Instrument inputs/outputs, Data storage – Atec Panametrics-Olympus-Epoch-XT User Manual

Page 8: Standard package, Optional accessories, Software options, General, Pulser, Receiver, Calibration

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48 Woerd Avenue, Waltham, MA 02453, USA, Tel.: (1) 781-419-3900
12569 Gulf Freeway, Houston, TX 77034, USA, Tel.: (1) 281-922-9300

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1109 78 Ave, Edmonton (Alberta) T6P 1L8

Epoch_XT_EN_8p_201202 • Printed in the USA • Copyright © 2012 by Olympus NDT.

*All specifications are subject to change without notice.

All brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and third party entities.

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is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified.

EPOCH XT Specifications*

Instrument Inputs/Outputs

USB Client Port: For communication with

GageView Pro
USB Host Port: allows direct printing to any Pcl5

compatible laser or inkjet printer as well as data

storage on UsB drives


Hardware I/O (optional): alarm outputs,

trigger in/out, encoder interface
VGA Output Port: connects to standard VGa

monitor or projector
Analog Output Port (optional): selectable voltage

output of depth or amplitude data

Data Storage

Up to 10,000 iDs with waveforms, measurements,

and setup parameters

Standard Package

EPOCH XT: Digital ultrasonic flaw detector
EP-MCA: ac adaptor
CASE-10009 (U8764102): transport case
910-264: operating manual
EPXT-BAT-L (U8760021): lithium-ion or

EPXT-BAT-N (U8760038): nickel metal hydride


Optional Accessories

EPXT-EC (U8767043): external smart battery

EP4/CH (U8140055): chest harness
EPXT-RPC (U8764043): rubber protective case

EPXT-RPC-W (U8764044): rubber protective case

EPXT-DP (U8780047): clear display protectors

EPXT-C-16HW-6 (U8840086): 16-pin hardware

i/o cable with diagram
EPXT-C-VGA-6 (U8779019): VGa cable

Software Options

EPXT-AWS (U8140068): aws D1.1/D1.5
EPXT-BSCAN (U8140025): B-scan software
EPXT-BSCAN-KIT-XX: B-scan kit including soft-

ware, encoder, and encoder cable
EPXT-FG (U8140073): Floating Gate
EPXT-FILTERS (U8140099): advanced Filters
EPXT-BEA (U8140142): Backwall echo attenua-

tion software
EPXT-TEMPLATE (U8140143): template storage

EPXT-API5UE (U8140144): aPi rP-5Ue software
EPXT-IG (U8140145): interface Gate software

GageView Pro


Overall dimensions

(W x H x D)

277 mm x 150 mm x 51 mm (at hand), 71 mm (at display);

10.9 in. x 5.9 in. x 2 in. (at hand), 2.8 in. (at display)


2.1 kg (4.7 lb) with lithium-ion battery


english, international, Japanese, chinese


english, spanish, French, German, italian, Japanese, chinese, russian, Korean,

norwegian, swedish

Transducer connections

Bnc or number 1 leMo

Data storage

10,000 iDs onboard

Battery type

choice of lithium-ion, nickel metal hydride, and alkaline c-cells

Battery life

lithium-ion: 9 h to 10 h; niMH: 5 h; c-cells: 1 h to 2 h

Power requirements

ac Mains: 100 Vac to 120 Vac, 200 Vac to 240 Vac, 50 Hz to 60 Hz

Display type

color liquid crystal Display: with 60 Hz update, user-selectable color schemes

and brightness, and split-screen and full-screen modes.

Display dimensions

(W x H, Diag.)

320 pixels x 240 pixels color

101 mm (4 in.) x 75 mm (3 in.), 125 mm (5 in.)



tunable square wave


User selectable or auto from 10 Hz to 1 kHz

Energy settings

50 V to 475 V in 25 V increments

Pulse width

adjustable from 40 ns to 5,000 ns (0.1 MHz) with Perfectsquare™ technology


50 Ω, 63 Ω, 150 Ω, 400 Ω



0 to 110 dB

Maximum input signal

20 V p-p

Receiver input impedance

400 Ω ± 5%

Receiver bandwidth

0.2 MHz to 26.5 MHz at –3 dB

Digital filter settings

seven digital filter sets standard (0.2-10 MHz, 2.0-21.5 MHz, 8.0-26.5 MHz,

0.5-4 MHz, 0.2-1.2 MHz, 1.5-8.5 MHz, 5-15 MHz), additional filters optional


Full-wave, Positive Half-wave, negative Half-wave, rF

System linearity

Horizontal: ± 0.2% Fsw

Vertical: 0.25% FsH, amplifier accuracy ± 1dB


0 to 80% FsH with Visual warning

Amplitude measurement

0 to 110% full screen height with 0.25% resolution

Measurement rate

equivalent to PrF in all modes


Automated calibration

Velocity, Zero offset

straight Beam (First Backwall or echo-to-echo)

angle Beam (soundpath or Depth)

Test modes

Pulse echo, Dual, or through transmission


Millimeters, inches, or microseconds


1.86 mm to 13,409 mm (0.073 in. to 527 in.) @ longitudinal velocity in steel


635 m/s to 15240 m/s (0.0250 in./µs to 0.6000 in./µs)

Zero offset

0 µs to 4950 µs

Display delay

–59 mm to 12700 mm (–2.323 in. to 500 in.)

Refracted angle

0.1° to 85° in 0.1° increments


Measurement gates

2 fully independent gates for amplitude and toF measurements

Gates (1, 2)

thickness, soundpath, Projection, Depth, amplitude,

time-of-Flight, Min./Max. Depth, Min./Max. amplitude

Gate start

Variable over entire displayed range

Gate width

Variable from Gate start to end of displayed range

Gate height

Variable from 2 to 95% full screen height


Positive and negative threshold, Minimum Depth (Gate 1 and Gate 2)

Measurement display locations

5 locations available (manual or auto selection)


standard Gate 2-Gate 1

Other measurements

overshoot (dB) value for DGs/aVG, ers (equivalent reflector size) for DGs/

aVG, aws D1.1/D1.5 rating (D), reject Value



DAC points

Up to 50 points, 110 dB dynamic range

Special DAC modes

20-80% Dac, custom Dac (up to 6 curves)

Curved surface correction

standard oD or Bar correction for angle Beam measurements