Epoch xt specifications, Instrument inputs/outputs, Data storage – Atec Panametrics-Olympus-Epoch-XT User Manual
Page 8: Standard package, Optional accessories, Software options, General, Pulser, Receiver, Calibration
48 Woerd Avenue, Waltham, MA 02453, USA, Tel.: (1) 781-419-3900
12569 Gulf Freeway, Houston, TX 77034, USA, Tel.: (1) 281-922-9300
505, boul. du Parc-Technologique, Québec (Québec) G1P 4S9, Tel.: (1) 418-872-1155
1109 78 Ave, Edmonton (Alberta) T6P 1L8
Epoch_XT_EN_8p_201202 • Printed in the USA • Copyright © 2012 by Olympus NDT.
*All specifications are subject to change without notice.
All brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and third party entities.
is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified.
EPOCH XT Specifications*
Instrument Inputs/Outputs
USB Client Port: For communication with
GageView Pro
USB Host Port: allows direct printing to any Pcl5
compatible laser or inkjet printer as well as data
storage on UsB drives
Hardware I/O (optional): alarm outputs,
trigger in/out, encoder interface
VGA Output Port: connects to standard VGa
monitor or projector
Analog Output Port (optional): selectable voltage
output of depth or amplitude data
Data Storage
Up to 10,000 iDs with waveforms, measurements,
and setup parameters
Standard Package
EPOCH XT: Digital ultrasonic flaw detector
EP-MCA: ac adaptor
CASE-10009 (U8764102): transport case
910-264: operating manual
EPXT-BAT-L (U8760021): lithium-ion or
EPXT-BAT-N (U8760038): nickel metal hydride
Optional Accessories
EPXT-EC (U8767043): external smart battery
EP4/CH (U8140055): chest harness
EPXT-RPC (U8764043): rubber protective case
EPXT-RPC-W (U8764044): rubber protective case
EPXT-DP (U8780047): clear display protectors
EPXT-C-16HW-6 (U8840086): 16-pin hardware
i/o cable with diagram
EPXT-C-VGA-6 (U8779019): VGa cable
Software Options
EPXT-AWS (U8140068): aws D1.1/D1.5
EPXT-BSCAN (U8140025): B-scan software
EPXT-BSCAN-KIT-XX: B-scan kit including soft-
ware, encoder, and encoder cable
EPXT-FG (U8140073): Floating Gate
EPXT-FILTERS (U8140099): advanced Filters
EPXT-BEA (U8140142): Backwall echo attenua-
tion software
EPXT-TEMPLATE (U8140143): template storage
EPXT-API5UE (U8140144): aPi rP-5Ue software
EPXT-IG (U8140145): interface Gate software
GageView Pro
Overall dimensions
(W x H x D)
277 mm x 150 mm x 51 mm (at hand), 71 mm (at display);
10.9 in. x 5.9 in. x 2 in. (at hand), 2.8 in. (at display)
2.1 kg (4.7 lb) with lithium-ion battery
english, international, Japanese, chinese
english, spanish, French, German, italian, Japanese, chinese, russian, Korean,
norwegian, swedish
Transducer connections
Bnc or number 1 leMo
Data storage
10,000 iDs onboard
Battery type
choice of lithium-ion, nickel metal hydride, and alkaline c-cells
Battery life
lithium-ion: 9 h to 10 h; niMH: 5 h; c-cells: 1 h to 2 h
Power requirements
ac Mains: 100 Vac to 120 Vac, 200 Vac to 240 Vac, 50 Hz to 60 Hz
Display type
color liquid crystal Display: with 60 Hz update, user-selectable color schemes
and brightness, and split-screen and full-screen modes.
Display dimensions
(W x H, Diag.)
320 pixels x 240 pixels color
101 mm (4 in.) x 75 mm (3 in.), 125 mm (5 in.)
tunable square wave
User selectable or auto from 10 Hz to 1 kHz
Energy settings
50 V to 475 V in 25 V increments
Pulse width
adjustable from 40 ns to 5,000 ns (0.1 MHz) with Perfectsquare™ technology
50 Ω, 63 Ω, 150 Ω, 400 Ω
0 to 110 dB
Maximum input signal
20 V p-p
Receiver input impedance
400 Ω ± 5%
Receiver bandwidth
0.2 MHz to 26.5 MHz at –3 dB
Digital filter settings
seven digital filter sets standard (0.2-10 MHz, 2.0-21.5 MHz, 8.0-26.5 MHz,
0.5-4 MHz, 0.2-1.2 MHz, 1.5-8.5 MHz, 5-15 MHz), additional filters optional
Full-wave, Positive Half-wave, negative Half-wave, rF
System linearity
Horizontal: ± 0.2% Fsw
Vertical: 0.25% FsH, amplifier accuracy ± 1dB
0 to 80% FsH with Visual warning
Amplitude measurement
0 to 110% full screen height with 0.25% resolution
Measurement rate
equivalent to PrF in all modes
Automated calibration
Velocity, Zero offset
straight Beam (First Backwall or echo-to-echo)
angle Beam (soundpath or Depth)
Test modes
Pulse echo, Dual, or through transmission
Millimeters, inches, or microseconds
1.86 mm to 13,409 mm (0.073 in. to 527 in.) @ longitudinal velocity in steel
635 m/s to 15240 m/s (0.0250 in./µs to 0.6000 in./µs)
Zero offset
0 µs to 4950 µs
Display delay
–59 mm to 12700 mm (–2.323 in. to 500 in.)
Refracted angle
0.1° to 85° in 0.1° increments
Measurement gates
2 fully independent gates for amplitude and toF measurements
Gates (1, 2)
thickness, soundpath, Projection, Depth, amplitude,
time-of-Flight, Min./Max. Depth, Min./Max. amplitude
Gate start
Variable over entire displayed range
Gate width
Variable from Gate start to end of displayed range
Gate height
Variable from 2 to 95% full screen height
Positive and negative threshold, Minimum Depth (Gate 1 and Gate 2)
Measurement display locations
5 locations available (manual or auto selection)
standard Gate 2-Gate 1
Other measurements
overshoot (dB) value for DGs/aVG, ers (equivalent reflector size) for DGs/
aVG, aws D1.1/D1.5 rating (D), reject Value
DAC points
Up to 50 points, 110 dB dynamic range
Special DAC modes
20-80% Dac, custom Dac (up to 6 curves)
Curved surface correction
standard oD or Bar correction for angle Beam measurements