Atec Rohde-Schwarz-ESPI_Series_DatasheetsЙ User Manual
Page 9
Test Receiver ¸ESPI
Spectrum analyzer application,
ACPR measurements
Measurement of the adjacent-channel
power ratio (ACPR), which many mobile
radio standards stipulate for components
and units, is performed in the ¸ESPI
analyzer mode by automatic test routines.
All settings, measurements and filters
required for a selected standard are
activated at a keystroke.
In addition to a large number of prepro-
grammed standards, the channel width
and channel spacing can be selected as
Due to its excellent dynamic range, the
lowest phase noise in its class and its
RMS detector, the ¸ESPI sets the
new standard for the upper middle-end –
even for ACPR measurements.
Test routines for TOI, OBW, etc
are standard
The ¸ESPI offers fast test routines for
a multitude of typical laboratory mea-
surements. The routines make postpro-
cessing superfluous and supply results
Determination of TOI
Occupied bandwidth (OBW)
Burst power with peak, average and
RMS indication as well as standard
Modulation depth of AM signals
Phase noise
Bandwidth marker
Of course, these functions can also be
used via the fast GPIB interface.
TOI measurement